S 1 Annual Meeting 2013 Core theme 5 Status and updates Chiara Bearzotti NACLIM project manager.


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Presentation transcript:

S 1 Annual Meeting 2013 Core theme 5 Status and updates Chiara Bearzotti NACLIM project manager

S 2 WP 5.1 Scientific coordination WP 5.2 Outreach, dissemination and climate services Dissemination of robust climate information meeting the expectations and needs of relevant stakeholders, and allowing their involvement in the decision making process WP 5.3 Coordination across the projects EUPORIAS, NACLIM and SPECS (ECOMS) Establishment of a clustering and coordination mechanism across the project EUPORIAS, SPECS and NACLIM, including the set up and coordination of a European climate observation, modeling and services initiative Recap: CT5 is made up of three WPs

S 3 WP 5.1 Scientific coordination UHAM Detlef Quadfasel + Chiara Bearzotti+ Data manager Deputy coordinator Johann Jungclaus MPG CT leaders and co-leaders (MPG, UPMC, UNIRES, GEOMAR, DMI, VITO, GIM, DTU) WP 5.2 Outreach, dissemination and climate services UHAM Detlef Quadfasel + Chiara Bearzotti ICPO Jennifer Riley VITO Koen der Ridder GIM Bart Thomas and Catherine Stevens + collaboration of all partners WP 5.3 ECOMS UHAM Detlef Quadfasel + Chiara Bearzotti Partners involved

S 4 WP 5.1 Scientific coordination Status and updates

S 5 Decisions on the scientific management of the project will be taken by the Steering committee (SSEC) SSEC is made up of: Project coordinator Detlef Deputy coordinator Johann Core theme leaders: Johann (CT1), Svein (CT2), Steffen (CT3), Mark (CT4) Updates No changes in the set-up so far. We are recruiting a scientist/data manager at Univ. Hamburg: Deadline for applications 30 October, vacancy online on WP 5.1 Scientific coordination

S 6 WP 5.2 Dissemination & outreach

S 7 Goal: dissemination of robust climate information meeting the expectations and needs of relevant stakeholders, and allowing their involvement in the decision making process To achieve the goal of interactive dissemination, a 3-step approach will be taken: (1)Identifying user-needs (2)Develop a climate service plan where users’ needs and capabilities of NACLIM are matched (3)Dissemination of results by way of electronic media, workshops and conferences: WP 5.2 Outreach, dissemination and climate services

S 8 User and stakeholder needs will be identified during end-user workshops Goal: create a bridge between scientific institutions and potential end-users Target Decision-makers, the private sector, the industrial sector (GIM, VITO, support UHAM)* International climate science community (ICPO, support UHAM)* Planned (minimum) 1 st Workshop: Understanding users’ needs (July 2013) 2 nd Workshop: Providing interesting data to our users (latest July 2015) Points to be defined *Support of ECOMS partners? Events organized locally? Yes Language? EN Web seminars combined with workshops? Not yet WP 5.2 Communication with end-users

S 9 Climate Service Centers EC Environmental Agency in Copenhagen Meteo-France Norwegian Meteorological Institute International Council for Exploration of the Seas (ICES) Off-shore agents working around Greenland and in the Arctic Multiplicators Private sector Industrial sector Activate your network! WP 5.2 Cooperation sought with

S 10  D52.3 Website & Intranet Nov 2012 UHAM  D52.61 Dissemination plan Dec 2012 UHAM+ICPO+VITO+GIM  D52.7 First end-user workshop July 2013 VITO, GIM,UHAM,ICPO  D52.13 Climate service plan Oct 2013 UHAM,ICPO,VITO,GIM,all End-users needs are mapped and matched with NACLIM products  D52.24 Establishment of information flow March 2014 UHAM,ICPO,VITO,GIM Report indicating how the information should flow from scientist to stakeholders and viceversa through the climate service institutions WP5.2 Deliverables status

S 11 WP 5.3 ECOMS (Cooperation with SPECS and EUPORIAS)

S 12 NACLIM project has been clustered by the European Commission with two other complementary projects, EUPORIAS and SPECS, under the European initiative for climate service observation and modelling (ECOMS) Goals: 1- Ensuring close coordination in Europe in the area of seasonal to decadal climate predictions towards climate services 2- Providing thought leadership to the European Commission on future priorities in the area of seasonal to decadal climate predictions towards climate services European initiative for climate service observation and modelling (ECOMS)

S 13 Two targets for ECOMS A) Joint dissemination and communication activities, for improving the outreach of results of the three projects B) Establishment of a „think tank“ What ECOMS is supposed to achieve

S 14 Tools A) Tools joint dissemination

S 15 Task? Make recommendations to the European Commission for priorities on European activities related to observation, modelling and climate services. Think tank made up of: three coordinators of EUPORIAS, NACLIM and SPECS (Chris Hewitt, Detlef Quadfasel and Paco Doblas-Reyes) independent advisors Three working groups (WG) will be established within this work package for coordinating the discussion: -WG 1 "Observations and monitoring", led by NACLIM -WG 2 "Modeling and infrastructure", led by SPECS -WG 3 "User/Stakeholder engagement", led by EUPORIAS B) The think tank

S 16 WP5.3 Deliverables  D Recommended priorities Horizon 2020 for observations & monitoring (April 2013)  ECOMS website: (Sept 2013)  ECOMS newsletter (Oct 2013)  D Progress in observations and monitoring (March 2015)  D Outcomes for observations and monitoring (Jan 2017)

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ), under grant agreement n NACLIM