OASIS UBL TC Meeting Jon Bosak, Sun Microsystems Chair, OASIS UBL Technical Committee Closing Plenary Burlington, Massachusetts 4 October 2002
Agenda Roll call SC updates (Maler, McGrath, Bosak) Appointment of UN/CEFACT negotiation team TC meeting schedule Segue to: Joint NDR/LC session
Subcommittee reports Library Content Naming and Design Rules Tools and Techniques Context Drivers Context Methodology Administrative Marketing Liaison
SC report: Context Methodology Matt Gertner has resigned chairmanship We don’t have many people willing to work on this right now But I think it’s important that someone is designated to speak for CM issues in Phase One I suggest that we name Eduardo Gutentag to this position with the expectation that the SC may function primarily as a placeholder right now The CM portal should be updated to reflect this
SC report: Administrative We appear currently to have 55 voting members We were not quite quorate Monday We are just short of a quorum today We have identified the people who haven’t been participating I put the membership on notice yesterday that we’re about to start exercising the warning/removal process Slackers have one more chance (the opening plenary 18 November 2002) to get back on board; we should be quorate by the closing session 21 November
SC report: Marketing From Monday’s report: CogniTran has agreed to print brochures for the XML 2002 conference I have a pending AI to draft a UBL brochure This will be reviewed by the MSC via There will be several UBL presentations at XML 2002 I will be winding down my role as UBL presenter We need to set up a ubl-dev page and ask OASIS to create a ubl-dev mailing list; someone(s) will have to step up to running these
SC report: Liaison reviews Input is on the way from HL7, ACORD, XBRL, ARTS; later, VCA; no report from EIDX No input from EWG/TBG this time due to reorg, but great interest in cooperating We are hoping for input from X12 (but no UBL presence this time!) Early opinion from ACORD: the Order and Order Response documents largely don’t apply to Insurance, but much of the library does; they will want to add more information This review cycle was too short to allow many of the liaison groups to meet and consider the package; we’ll handle this better next time
SC report: Liaison opinions about the CEFACT proposal Everyone seems to like the idea in the abstract (if only to prevent duplication of effort), but... There is also general agreement that we need a standard payload format in the short term, so... We must maintain the UBL brand We must not lose momentum We must not lose responsiveness to the users
CEFACT proposal: issues Logistics (loss of momentum) Meeting schedule (e.g., overlap with CC) UBL subcommittee structure UBL process OASIS infrastructure (lists, archives, web sites, publicity, conferences...) Brand marketing IP ownership/transfer; copyright issues Relationship between LC and CC within ATG (cannot wait for the CC library) Relationship to other CEFACT inputs
CEFACT proposal: my take We decided a long time ago that we want UBL to end up in an international standards organization, and there’s a lot to be said for a home in UN/CEFACT There seems finally to be realization that ebXML needs a standard payload format in the short term This is our best opportunity to work out an agreement with CEFACT that preserves our original goals If an agreement is to be reached, it should be arrived at soon so that the world knows where this is heading I don’t see the near-term assimilation of UBL into ATG as a workable solution
CEFACT negotiations Preliminary aim: a detailed proposal that will Result in a formal agreement on UBL as the standard XML payload for ebXML Designate UN/CEFACT as the maintenance body for UBL Preserve the current fast-track process until the initial set of schemas is completed Set up effective working relationships with ATG and the TBG domain groups
Negotiating team Jon Bosak (UBL TC chair) Mark Crawford (UBL TC vice chair, ATG2 chair) Karl Best (OASIS) Arofan Gregory Stig Korsgaard Gunther Stuhec Lisa Seaburg
Ground rules Correspondence with the UN/CEFACT negotiating team will take place in an archived mail list to be created by OASIS for this purpose The agreement arrived at through negotiation will be submitted to the TC for formal approval
TC meeting schedule November 2002 in Menlo Park 3-7 February 2003 in Denver (joint meeting with X12) Possible (depending on progress of UBL-CEFACT negotiations): meeting hosted by CEFACT forum the week of 10 March 2003 or 17 March 2003 on the west coast of North America (possibly Vancouver)
Segue to joint NDR/LC session