WHAT´S A SPERM? Before… People used to think there was a tiny human inside each cell
Contains Several Parts: -Head Chemical to dissolve egg goo Dad’s genetic information (DNA) - Mitochondria Energy - Tail Swimming
Produce fluid that nourishes sperm
Secrets an alkaline fluid that counteracts the acids found in the male urethra and in the vagina of the female.
Blood acumulates in the penis, causing it to become firm and erect.
It´s the tube that carries urine during urination and semen during ejaculation.
Sperm production begins in the testes at puberty and continues throughtout life.
It´s a coiled tube attached to the surface of each testis.
The vas deferens passes over the urinary bladder, connecting the epididymis to the urethra
Secrets an alkaline fluid that becomes part of the semen.
For fertilization to occur, sperm first must be transferred from a male to female. The penis is the organ that makes it possible for sperm to be delivered to the body of the female.
MALE HORMONS Testes produce the male hormone: testosterone. a male begins to make testosterone before birth, it causes an embryo to develop a penis and scrotum.
MALE HORMONS At puberty testosterone levels rise, it causes the development of adult male characteristics:beard, low voice and large muscles.
Ovaries 2 pouches Contain ova Born with all of her eggs (~ 400,000) Use up ~500 Won’t run out! Ovulation One egg released from ovary to oviduct (fallopian tube)
AFTER OVULATION Egg pushed along by cilia Few days travel time to arrive in uterus Cervix – Opening between uterus & vagina Normally tiny At birth – muscles pull open (dilation) cervix to allow baby to pass through = Laboruterus Cervix
Menstrual Cycle Complex combination of chemicals (hormones) Usually one egg once a month All about timing!!! – Uterus must be ready when egg gets there in case it was fertilized – If no fertilization, tear down lining of uterus and rebuild for next month
28-Day Cycle (average) Three Stages 1.Tear Down 2.Rebuild 3.Extra nutrients/blood for potential baby No Baby? – Back to #1
Day 1 First menstrual blood & tissue No baby = breaks down lining of uterus 5-7 days of blood/tissue exits body Pre-Ovulation
~Day 14 Ovulation = Egg released Temp spikes slightly Most fertile in next few days! – Able to get pregnant Egg gets fertilized while traveling through oviduct. Post-Ovulation
If fertilized… Zygote begins to divide as it travels through oviduct Implants into lining of uterus
If not fertilized… Egg travels through oviduct to uterus Exits body with blood and tissues during menstruation
Anatomy MaleFemale
Similarities 2 pouches – Testicles – Ovaries Start out inside body – Testicles “descend” before birth Fetus begins with “starter parts” that could develop into either gender.
Anatomy – similarities Function – VERY different! Male – Uncomplicated – Produce sperm 2-4 MILLION every day Female – Very Complicated! – One egg – Once a month – Careful coordination of hormones & body – Timing perfect!
Watch this video!! v=hguHF962z5U
ACTIVITY What are the main parts of a sperm?, draw it and write its main parts. Are important the male hormons? Why? Explain what the menstrual cycle is about.