Discover the world at Leiden University Lucas F.J. Noordhoorn MSc. Innovation Project KIT Intercultural Professionals
Discover the world at Leiden University Main focus How can KIT Intercultural Professionals continue to innovate and grow in 2015? M&A’s, where are the opportunities? International trade relations, where are the opportunities? Analyses Customer ProfitabilityCompetitor
Discover the world at Leiden University Students (just a few of their uni’s)
Discover the world at Leiden University Exposure
Discover the world at Leiden University Schedule AssessmentDeadline The Innovation plan How would you innovate KIT Intercultural Professionals? 1 Corporate goals and strategy 2a The Opportunity 3 Marketing and networking plan 4 Financial plan Selection best plans Best plans asked to present in front of the board Best students (1-3) asked to join the KIT-team in order to execute the plans. They will receive paid internship-positions (or the option of an actual job in the future).
Discover the world at Leiden University End Telephone: