Earth Observation for economic emPOWERment: the EOPOWER project Mark Noort HCP international
ENV : Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy and society (c) Empowering international economic development through the use of environmental Earth Observations Coordination and Support Action (Supporting Action) June 2013 – May 2015 EC Project Officer: Jane Shiel 2 Earth Observation for economic emPOWERment Project Coordinator: Nicolas Ray (Uni. of Geneva; UNEP/GRID-Geneva) Project Director: Mark Noort (HCP International) Project Manager: Gregory Giuliani (Uni. of Geneva; UNEP/GRID-Geneva)
Create conditions for sustainable economic development through the increased and effective use of Earth observation products and services for environmental applications 1.Roadshow activities to promote the increased use of EO products and services for environmental applications 2.Create a portfolio of potential EO applications for economic development and environmental management 3.Enhancement of the resource facility on capacity building in the GEO web portal (cooperation with CEOS). Workshop “Bringing GEOSS services into practice” 4.Establishment of local focal points (nodes) that actively promote and provide capacity building on the use of EO for environmental applications effectively and at low-cost 3 aim and main tasks
Project partners 4
EOPOWER builds on six FP7 projects GEONetCab GEO Network for Capacity Building BalkanGEONet Towards Inclusion of Balkan Countries into Global Earth Observation Initiatives OBSERVE Strengthening and development of Earth Observation activities for the Environment in the Balkan area SEOCA GEO capacity building initiative in Central Asia EGIDA Coordinating Earth and Environmental cross-disciplinary projects to promote GEOSS enviroGRIDS Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development 5
6 success stories
7 capacity building This workshop teaches how to configure, use and deploy a set of open source software to build up a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) Trainees learn how to publish and share data and metadata using OGC and ISO standards and how to register services into GEOSS Upgrade and online packaging of the workshop Translation into 6 languages of the MED and BS regions: Arabic, Croatian, French, Serbian and Spanish (Russian is underway). Bringing GEOSS Services into Practice workshop
attendees in 14 workshops -Tutorial downloaded 850 times on UNIGE open archive capacity building
9 GEOCAB portal GEO CApacity Building Portal 1.Make your resources visible and useful to others 2.Be aware of what other organizations are doing in terms of Capacity Building 3.Coordination of existing initiatives and future planning.
10 GEOCAB portal
11 Permanent Networking Facility The IASON Permanent Networking Facility (IASON PNF) is a regional Earth observation (EO) directory, with tools for easy and user-friendly partner and expertise search. Each new input passes through a strict validation process.
hydrological modelling SWAT data extractor
hydrological modelling SWAT data extractor
Step-by-step benefit EO Paradigm shift? Improve business process? NO YES Develop new business case NO Look for other solution YES Economic value? YES Calculate return on investment Clear goal defined? Future payment system? NO YES Compare EO cost with alternatives Anticipate value EO in such a system List EO advantages and features YES NO Source: Marketing of Earth observation products and services, part 2 (Noort, 2013) 14
fit-for-purpose, comparative advantage, complexity to user / ease- of-use, elegance, cost-benefit, reliability / continuity of service, resilience, 15 RATING OF CHARACTERISTICS GEOSPATIAL SOLUTIONS reproduction capacity / flexibility, acceptance, level of knowledge transfer required, ethics, transparency, public accountability, objectivity and impartiality
Success stories (in non-technical language, feasible, replication capacity, sustainable) Marketing toolkits (international trends, earth observation examples, references) Pilot projects, innovation funds, quick-wins (demonstration that EO actually works) Promotion outside EO community (fairs, seminars, lunch- bag meetings, magazines) Resource facilities for reference and capacity building (distributed, but connected, in different languages) 16 Tools for earth observation marketing: Source: Marketing earth observation products and services (Noort 2013)
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