Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section Training and Courses Space Users are not IdiotsIdiots Many potential users are non-C++, (non-OO), non- Monte-Carlo, even non-“radiation” NT version will be popular with non-specialists In the current phase of Geant4, promotion is vitalpromotion take-up will be closely linked to: –ease of installation (and “procurement”) –ease of use –educational/primer material –good support
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section The Unfamiliar User Wants (?):1/3 One-click shopping Examples which are transparent and range from trivially simple to moderately complex; Examples should separately demonstrate the various elements: geometry; viz, phys,... Light primer documentation The Geant4 toolkit architecture & philosophy in an easily understandable form
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section 2/3 What are pre-requisites and assumptions (e.g. units, material data,...)? What is needed to start? developer tools (e.g. EMACS, GMAKE, compiler switches, etc.) familiarity should not be a pre-requisite A no-input-required walk-through of a trivial problem ~ “hit return to continue” (e.g. 1 MeV e - on 1mm Gold Foil; neutron on 235 U); “hello world” = extremely simple first exercise GUI interface to simple projects Meaningful error messages and documentation (compiler errors?? - what to do?)
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section 3/3 Simple installation (all components; no gimmicks, no tricks) All external packages required (compiler?, tools) should be clearly documented in installation man. & included Easy build & set-up All user input in 1 file? Simplify #include requirements (not C++ experts) Cater for: non-OO user; G3 migrants (“If you used to do A then do X”) So: documentation has to include a separate set for the new user: Primer; G4 for Dummies; G4 to G3 Upgrade Guide; Easy Installation Guide
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section A Course Possibly combined with a (public) workshop Would be very popular; increases user base rapidly Self-financing Contents (3+ days) e.g.: –overview; –relations to other codes (esp. G3) –basics of OO, –user interfaces, –(physics), capabilities and tools…,.. –practical; one-on-one
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section Other Ideas Newsgroup and listservers (first line of help) Papers and articles (was a problem in G3) Value added consultancies = commercial Brochure (we already did one for space); –include newsgroups, www addresses, addresses
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section Draft TOC Primer Overview of G4 Architecture of G4 and Related components Pre-requisites for Installation Installation Guide Pre-requisites to running a problem Introduction to G4 philosophy (&OO) + G4 for G3 users; Coding Guidelines for Users (variable naming,…) Examples 1-n Additional tools Annex: common user classes syntax; available data; links; error messages & solving common (or not) problems