Safe Use of Aquatic Herbicides Reeves Petroff MSU Pesticide Education Specialist
Types Of Aquatic Weed Growth
Aquatic Plant Control Methods Prevention Manual or mechanical removal Manipulate water levels Shade, dyes Install liners Use biological controls Use chemical controls Pesticides
PESTICIDES A pesticide is any chemical that is used to control pests. PISCICIDES ? INSECTICIDES ALGICIDES RODENTICIDES HERBICIDES Kills fish
General and Restricted Use Pesticides GENERAL-USE PESTICIDES Less likely to harm the user or the environment when used according label instructions. Almost anyone can buy and apply general-use pesticides. 2,4-D, Roundup, Rodeo. RESTRICTED-USE PESTICIDES (RUP) Can harm the environment or the applicator when not used as directed. Licensing and certification are required for purchase and use. Magnacide H , Hydrothol , Aquathol , T Chem Aquatic Weedkiller
HERBICIDES Most commonly used method. Caution is needed. Fish Kills Potable water intakes $$$ Short term Dead weeds stimulate future weed growth
Using Herbicides Correctly 1. Pesticides must be registered by the U.S. EPA and MDA before they can be sold or applied in Montana. 2. Pesticide labels provide necessary information to pesticide users. 3. Pesticides must be used according to label instructions.
Uses inconsistent with the Pesticide Label It is illegal to use a pesticide in any way not permitted by the labeling. Off-site Improper equipment settings Improper rate (lack of calibration) No safety gear worn when the label says you must!
Pesticide Labels You may not use higher dosages higher concentrations more frequent applications
Pesticide Labels apply a pesticide at any dosage, concentration, or frequency less than that listed on the labeling apply a pesticide against any target pest not listed on the label as long as the the application is to a plant, animal, or site that is listed, You can….
use any appropriate equipment or method of application that is not prohibited by the labeling – mix a pesticide or pesticides with a fertilizer if the mixture is not prohibited by the labeling – mix two of more pesticides, if all of the dosages are at or below the recommended rate Pesticide Labels Allowed uses not mentioned in the labeling
Before you purchase the product Before you mix and apply the product Before you dispose of the container
Is it approved for use? Will the pesticide will control the pest or pests? Can the pesticide can be applied safely and legally? Application conditions Where can the pesticide be applied? - Sites- Special equipment setup? BEFORE YOU BUY A PESTICIDE Any use restrictions. Compare different pesticide labels, Different products may control the same pest. Select approved products that control the pests and are less toxic and/or less expensive.
BEFORE YOU MIX Protective equipment you should use. Compatibility of the pesticide with other products or additives. Amount of the pesticide to use. Product rate? Mixing procedure.
BEFORE YOU APPLY Safety measures. PPE required? Procedures to follow to minimize harm to people, animals, plants or the environment. How to apply the pesticide. When to apply the pesticide Susceptible life stage REI?
BEFORE YOU DISPOSE OR STORE Where and how to store the pesticide. Pesticide label information intact? How to decontaminate and dispose of the pesticide container. Where and how to dispose of surplus pesticides.
Nature of the Problem Few aquatic herbicides Many restrictions Lots of risks Multiple interests and viewpoints
SUGGESTED PRECAUTIONS Registered? EPA? Montana? Buy from a local dealer.
Where do irrigation canals and ditches end? Acrolein & xylene can kill fish & other aquatics? Can the treated water be held? Acrolein - 6 day waiting period – release into state waters Xylene – 10 ppm – state waters SUGGESTED PRECAUTIONS
Inspect and repair leaky flow through structures. Patrol or secure diversion structures to prevent accidental or deliberate opening. Make sure bulk containers and nurse tanks are properly labeled SUGGESTED PRECAUTIONS
Follow label mixing and application directions. Labeled site? Equipment calibrated? Proper mixing equipment? Correct product rate? Label Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) SUGGESTED PRECAUTIONS
Know the pest! Biology and life cycle Application timing Labeled? SUGGESTED PRECAUTIONS
DREADED CALCULATIONS Canals and Ditches CFS W x D x V FT x FT x FT/sec 450 GPM = 1 CFS PPMV 1 gal in 1,000,000 gal Ponds and Lakes Acre-foot 43,560 ft 2 x 1 foot deep = 43,560 ft 3 % active ingredient (a.i.) expressed as a decimal Converting a.i. To formulated product Converting ppm to pounds (x 2.72)
10 feet wide, 4 feet deep, flow rate 1.5 feet per sec. (fps) ant 740 ppm in the water applied over a 30 minute period. How much xylene do you apply in 1/2 hour? Gal. (per CFS) = 450 GPM x ppmv x CFS x time (min.) 1,000, gal. = 740 ppmv x 450 GPM x 60 CFS x 30 min. Xylene in 1,000, min
1,000 CFS irrigation canal Rate of 2 gallon per CFS over an 8 hour period. What is the concentration in ppmv ppmv = 1,000,000 x dosage rate. 450 GPM x time applied (min.) PPMV = 1,000,000 ppm x 2 gallons = 9.26 ppmv 450 gpm x 480 minutes** ** 8 hours x 60 minutes in one hour = 480 minutes
200 feet by 150 feet with an average depth of 6 feet. copper sulfate crystal at 25 percent copper iron (0.25) want maximum rate of 1 ppm copper ion in water. How much copper sulfate crystal do you apply?
Volume of pond in acre feet = 200 x 150 x 6 180,000 ft 3 43,560 ft 3 = 4.13 acre-feet Find the total pounds of the formulation that is required acre-feet x 2.72 (convert PPM to pounds) x 1 PPM (as required by the label) = pounds of active ingredient (a.i.) required. Convert percentage to a decimal: 25% copper iron content = 0.25 Convert a.i. to pounds of the formulated product pounds a.i. 0.25 = pounds of the formulated product is needed X 100 =
The End