ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 ECOOP WP 1 overview Jacob L. Høyer Centre for Ocean and Ice Danish Meteorological Institute WP Partners: Alicia Lavin (IEO), Fabio Raicich (CNR-ISMAR), Pierre De Mey (CNR-POC), Philip Axe (SMHI), Martin Holt (METO), Ray Mahdon (METO), Vladimir Belokopytov (MHI), Per Berg (DMI), Dominique Obaton & Sylvain Cailleau, (MERCATOR), Icarus Allen & Ricardo Torres (PML)
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 WP1: Assessment of observational networks Objectives: Quantitatively assess gaps and quality of existing European Sea observational networks (both T/S and biochemical) Develop new assessment methods
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 Tasks T1.1 WP management T1.2 Pan European T/S observational network assessment T1.3 Assessment of biochemical network T1.4 New methodology development and demonstration
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.2: T/S network assessment (1) Activities and deliverables during year 1 Meta dataset for 5 regions T/S (month 9) Proxy ocean runs (Month 15)
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.2: T/S network assessment (2) Metadata set (talk later by Alicia Lavín) Collect the meta data from the regional partners Established common formats for the 5 regional meta dataset. Build upon the SeaDataNet, Edios and regional databases (PAPA in the Baltic) Selected year 2004,2005 and 2006
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.2: T/S network assessment (3) Proxy ocean run Established common levels and data formats for the proxy ocean run. All model runs for year 2004, 2005 and D T/S data extraction on standard depths 6 hourly or daily Netcdf or GRIB format All regions have produced data to DMI
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.2: T/S network assessment (4) – Periods Yes Delivered Assimilation Resolution SLA,SSTXBT, SST, SLA, ARGO SLA, SST; in situ profiles : T, S (Coriolis) No 5km MHI model, 35 levels 1/16deg. X72 levels OPA km PSY2v2 (OPA8.1), 43 levels ~7km MRCS POLCOMS, 20 levels 3-0,5nm DMI BSH- cmod Black Sea (MHI) Med. Sea (CNR) North Atlantic (MERCATOR) NW Shelf (MetO) Baltic (DMI)
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.3: Assessment of biochemical observational networks (1) Activities and deliverables during year 1: Biochemical meta dataset and historical dataset (month 9) Proxy biochemical runs for selected target areas (month 18)
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.3: Assessment of Biochemical observational networks (2) European metadata collections: EDIOS EDMED EDMERP Common Data Index ICES: ROSCOP
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.3: Assessment of Biochemical observational networks (3) Proxy ocean run for selected areas Southern North Sea (PML) Baltic Sea (FIMR) Details about common data formats, time periods and parameters will be decided.
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.4: New methodology, development and demonstration (1) Activities and deliverables during year 1: –Web-based network assessment tool (month 33) –Design and make model ensemble runs for network assessment (month 24)
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.4: New methodology development and demonstration (2) Web-based network assessment tool –Prototype setup is running, using North Sea/Baltic Sea statistics from ODON. –Extension to all domains when statistics are ready with results
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 T1.4: New methodology development and demonstration (3) Design and make model ensemble runs for network assessment Pierre De Mey: Most work focused on the impact of wide swath versus nadir satellite altimetry satellites Demonstrated that a wide-swath instrument is needed to constrain the coastal ocean mesoscale and coastal current variability In 2008, focus will be on in situ observations Cooporation with DMI on this subject. (after Le Hénaff & De Mey, 2008)
ECOOP Annual meeting, Feb 13-14, 2008 Status T1.1 OK T1.2 OK, a little ahead T1.3 OK T1.4 OK
Plans for year 2 Deliver all the proxy ocean runs –5 regions for T/S –2 regions for biochemical Derive characteristic scales from proxy ocean runs, compare SST scales with satellite SST Design and initiate biochemical network assessment Further development of new ensemble methods for the observational assessment Demonstration of webbased assessment tool for North Sea A visit from CNRS to DMI in spring 2008 is planned to cooporate on ensemble assessment A WP meeting is planned in late summer or fall 2008 to present first analysis of proxy ocean run and to discuss the different assessment strategies between T/S and biochemical networks