Jackie Robinson
How do we define the personal traits of a hero? Jackie Robinson was looked up to by many African Americans he was the first black baseball player so he started a revolution He is still remembered today for the great thing he did Showed leadership (“Jackie”)
How does the settings, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary elements? His setting made it harder because segregation was big in los Angeles and in brooklyn where he ended up playing baseball There was a very big conflict that he was threatened he would be killed for called racial segregation He would receive death letters all the time threatening him and his family unless he stopped playing (“Selden”)
How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? He is a big part of his society because without him some of the greatest players of all time that were black may have never gotten a chance to play in the mlb (“Gale”)
How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? Jackie represents his time period because it was a time of racial segregation and he made it his job to change the way people looked at black people in general and tried to get them to actually like them instead of not even giving them a chance and just hating them
How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? The baseball culture rewarded Jackie by putting him in the hall of fame and they also retired his number so that no one in the league can ever wear the number 42 (Robinson, Jackie)
How did his childhood influence his outlook on life? When he was a kid his dad left him which made his mom move to cairo. His siblings were his biggest fans and his mom always supported him on the things he did ("Jackie Robinson Timeline.“)
Why did he pick baseball? Jackie didn’t pick baseball baseball picked him. He was playing in the negro league just for a paycheck and the dodgers manager watched him and liked what he saw. He then interviewed robinson asking him questions about if he thinks he could win them a world series and also if he could deal with all the racial slurs. He liked all of the answers jackie gave him and signed him to the minor league team for the dodgers and he was later moved up to the brooklyn dodgers ("Jackie Robinson Breaks”)
How big of an impact did Jackie Robinson have on the MLB Jackie Robinson is the reason today that there are black players in the league. Without him there would have been no Sammy Sosa or Hank Aaron. He might have made the biggest impact on the league out of every player to ever play.
How did he deal with the racial slurs? In the first couple years of Jackie Robinsons career he only responded to the threats by playing great on the field like if he got hit he would run to first base and then steal 2 nd but after a few years he got tired of it and started speaking publically against it and people started thinking of him as a guy with an attitude problem. ("Question”)