Teacher competences to enhance gender justice What can the EI World Women’s Conference 2011 do – towards EI and within own unions/countries?
Gender competences and Life Skill curriculum are essential In the earlier workshop, research presented shows lack of gender competences in the countries studied. Transforming gender relations is essential for educational, social, economic and political opportunities of girls today. Also for the struggle against poverty, food-insecurity, violence, discrimination – and for gender- and environmental justice.
Why the concept of gender justice? Equal access to education, and equal opportunity for girls and boys is essential for ‘EI on the move for Equality’. Gender Justice is based on ‘inter- sectionality’ = recognition of connection between gender and diversity and need to transform bi-polar patriarchal practices. Gender Justice is more than Equality: transformed gender relations benefit all.
Define a Gender-Just school? What might be different for girls and for boys in a Gender-Just school? What might it mean in the curriculum? How does it show in classroom culture? How is it manifest between teachers? What about staff-conditions, leadership? How can parents/the community notice it? Can Gender-Justice in a school be rated?
How to build a Gender-Just education system in your country? How Gender-Just is your education system (estimated score between 1-10)? Your Trade Union? What is good/bad? What helps, what hinders Gender Justice? Who = potential allies for Gender Justice? What can you do in your job/union? What support do you need from each other, and collectively from EI?
Strategies for Gender-Justice & Life Skill curriculum/competences Which stakeholders need to join, to work towards a Gender-Just education system? Which are easy, which hard to convince? Where are positive examples of success? Which are the main obstacles? Can EI combine strategies: ‘Quality Educators need Gender competences?’ Can this go on to the next EI Congress?