Intelligent Advertising
Intelligent advertising means -Creative content in offline and online media - Attention in scarcity-economy - Relevant Communication - Ad-liking - A position in the customers BRAIN-BOX - A connection with customers - In the end : Selling products
Items of this Presentation 1. Neurostructure in Communication 2. Use of Psychology 3. Use of Sociology 4. Use of Special Appeals
1. Neuro structure in communication -Put a BRAND literally in the mind of B2B/B2C customers -Create Top of Mind Attention -Bear in mind how the brain is working : left-right !
Literally in the mind
Advertising and brainbox
Advertising that sticks
Left and right side of the brain
Complete Dutch attitude
Brains and senses innerworld
Subliminal perception
Mirror neurons Mirrorneurons : brainpart that causes human empathy and copying behaviour : crying, laughing, togetherness,yawning, groupefeeling
Neuromarketing: reaction of the brain
Avatar movie : violance
The brain knows more than you think -The dumb consciousness vs. the smart unconsciousness -Capacity 10 to : -The unconsciousness is the captain/esp. at night - The consciousness as ‘stupid’ working force
Neuro advertisingstructure - image left -text right -logo right below -movement left to right -the golden ratio and triangle -the diagonal method
Diagonal - left/right
The crosswise visual field
2. Text 1. Image 3. Logo
2. Use of Psychology -Needs/motives : Maslow -Perception : gestaltprinciples -Learning : conditioning -Personality : the big five -Attitudes : superficial or not -Decision making : evoked set
Maslow : physical needs
Maslow: esteem needs
Conflicts : giraffe or mole?
Gestaltprinciples: meaningful perception - Foreground/background - Closure - Similarity - Continuity - Ressemblance
Gestaltprinciple: fore-background
Polar bear/world is dying
Perceptual vigilance
Pavlov :classical learning
Modeling: the sheikh-effect
Shaping in steps
3. Use of Sociology -Culture -Subculture -Social Class -Group Membership -Family -Opinion leadership -Social networks
Country cultures
Social classes : upper-upper
Dog social class/humanisation
Group behaviour
lifestyle : young spirits
Family life cycle
Opinion leadership
Social media
4. Use of Special appeals -sex - avatar -fear - love -child - bystander -Von Restorff - namecharacter -two sidedness - spotlight -assimilation-contrast - anchor -fitd and ditf - archetypes
Fear and relief-effect
Bystander -effect
Irrational behaviour: superstition
Group-think bias xdygujgyujhgu ghugh
Conclusions Creative content is relevant for social media en traditional media Use knowledge of social sciences Cause relevant communication in : B2B/B2C Measure the outcome of it all
Triple A Advertising = Triple A Selling Intelligent Advertising + Anything + Anywhere + Anytime = Top of Mind Attention and Fills the marketing-salesfunnel !!!