Changing behaviour: messy, complex but ultimately effective Emma Marsh
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 Can people change? our behaviour is changing constantly behaviour influences attitudes more often than attitudes influence behaviour values are a whole different area…
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No. 1 Evidence, evidence, evidence… what’s the scale of the issue? where are people right now? what are the barriers? what are the triggers? what are the motivations?
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 Once we knew the issues we could identify potential causes
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 New insights in recycling… Household 1: recycle everything they can Household 2: put recyclables in the residual Household 3: put non-targeted recyclables in the recycling bin Household 4: put recyclables in the residual bin and non-targeted items in the recycling bin Barrier 1: misplaced understanding Barrier 2: plastics collections confusion Barrier 3: food collections confusion Barrier 4: flats People feel they are doing all they can and do think recycling is a good thing If people are unsure they will refer to the rubbish bin – increased confidence will lead to more materials being captured
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference Benefits of a comprehensive evidence base What is wasted and reasons Consumer attitudes, behaviours, motivations and barriers Products, packaging and labelling reviews and testing Evaluation of materials, messages and impact
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 2. Saying “don’t waste food" is not effective generally we’re not rational beings more information is generally not the answer need to identify behaviours reward those behaviours
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 …understand what motivates people
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 …and only then start to talk about wider motivations…
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 3. Understand the context you are in
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 4. Make it easy simple easy steps – part of day to day life practical solutions not theory turn it into a habit #DoOneThingDifferently
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 5. Don’t underestimate the power of social norms make action visible – why should I if no one else does?
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 6. There's a difference between what we say and what we do What shall I say? ?
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 7. Make use of moments of change leaving home going to university having a child first job moving home kids leaving home retiring
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 8. Know your audience and keep it positive The inclination is to shock but the effect of that would be to….
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 Negative
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 Nannying
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 No 9. Use stories ‘I will if you will’ “My mum has always cooked for me, as she loves it, but she is worried that I will live on cheese on toast when I go to University. She suggested I sign up for the free cookery classes. Little does she know I am not even sure how to make cheese on toast!” Sally (aged 18) New student in Cardiff “My best mate gave me this great food waste tip she’s learnt the other day. She assured me it was for complete beginners So I thought I would have a go” Sarah (age unknown) Mum to one 2 year old in Wrexham “I hate to see so much food going to waste and want to ensure my granddaughter learns some of the skills and tips I was given growing up.” Grandad and Grandaughter Mia (aged 11) from Bangor
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014
Joining up messages and solutions –Food waste and food safety –Food waste prevention and collections –Food and packaging –Food waste and healthy eating
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014
Progress in reducing avoidable household food waste
Cynhadledd WRAP Cymru Conference 2014 Template notes The first level is for subheadings in bold The second level is the plain text style that you should use for general text. The third level is the first level of bullets –The fourth level is the second level of bullets –The fifth level is the third level of bullets