HURRICANE ISAAC MAKES LANDFALL IN JEFFERSON PARISH TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2012 Hurricane force winds continued through Wednesday Parish issues Notice to Proceed to SAIC for debris removal monitoring and management on Tuesday, Presidential Emergency Declaration issued on covering Debris Removal Reimbursement Parish issues Notices to Proceed to Ceres and DRC for debris collection, processing and disposal on Wednesday, Ceres and DRC begin collection with crews on streets on Friday,
FEMA MANDATES FOR REIMBURSEMENT 75/25 Split of Expenses IF FEMA Mandates are followed: FEMA requires contracts be competitively let to lowest cost responder/bidder Subcontractors are limited to the negotiated cost per unit (ex. Cubic yard/Ton) basis Failure to comply = 100% Payment by Jefferson Parish/Taxpayers Services must be performed legally compliant with applicable municipal, state and federal law (Example: Woody Waste is required to be reduced in volume by 50% prior to deposit at Landfill, LA R.S. 30: State Roadways – DOTD responsibility – no reimbursement to Parish.
PARISH CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES East Bank Debris Removal Ceres Environmental, Inc. West Bank Debris Removal DRC Emergency Services, Inc. FEMA mandatory monitoring Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Residential garbage collection and additional garbage/trash due to disaster event IESI LA Corporation / Progressive Waste Solutions of LA, Inc.
PHASED STORM DEBRIS REMOVAL First Pass Large woody waste - collected by Ceres and DRC Bagged leaves, twigs and spoiled food waste - collected by IESI Second Pass Large woody waste - collected by Ceres and DRC Construction & Demolition debris (fences, roofing, etc.) - collected by Ceres and DRC Household contents (furniture, carpet, etc.) - collected by Ceres and DRC White goods (refrigerators and large appliances) - collected by IESI Third and Final Pass All remaining storm debris - collected by Ceres and DRC
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES IESI LA Corporation / Progressive Waste Solutions of LA, Inc. Sunday and Holiday (Labor Day) additional collections Additional 7 boom trucks for collection of bagged storm debris Sunday, – IESI entire garbage and recycling fleet plus 7 extra boom trucks for a total of 55 trucks collected bagged storm debris Jefferson Parish Department of Public Works provides 12 crews and equipment to assist with collection of bagged storm debris 7 days/week Parish President Executive Order Suspends Recycling from Sunday, through Sunday, to dedicate trucks for collection of bagged storm debris
ISAAC DEBRIS COLLECTION BY PARISH Jefferson collected an addition 16,221 CY on bringing the total collected to 176,618 CY