1 Tectonic Hazards Case Study Task
2 You will be given an Earthquake case study You will complete a Case Study Sheet: When – Year/Time of day? Where – Geographically? Where – Geologically? What happened? Who was affected? 1976 Tangshan 1985 Mexico 1989 Loma Prieta 1996 Kobe 1999 Izmit 2003 Bam 2006 Indian Ocean 2008 Sichuan 2010 Haiti 2011 Van 2011 Japan 2011 Christchurch
3 TECTONIC HAZARD FACT FILE When did it happen? Where did it happen? Was it predicted? How? What happened? Why did it happen? Who was affected? What was the response? Include appropriate: Statistics Sketch maps Diagrams Short & Long Term