Risk And Risk Relationships
Definition Risk is the probability of a hazard event causing harmful consequences (expected losses in terms of death, injuries, property damage, economy, and environment).
Factors Increasing Risk Perception Involuntary hazard (radioactive fallout e.g. Chernobyl, 1986). Immediate impact (e.g. Cyclone Nargis, Burma, 2008). Direct impact (e.g. Sichuan earthquake, 2008). Dreaded impact (e.g. Cancer, AIDS). Many fatalities per disaster (e.g. Hurricane Katrina, 2005). Deaths grouped in space or time (e.g. Bhuj earthquake, India, 2000).
Factors Increasing Risk Perception Identifiable victims (e.g. chemical plant workers, Bhopal). Processes not well understood (nuclear accident e.g. Sellafield, UK). Uncontrollable hazard (e.g. Hurricane Katrina). Unfamiliar hazard (tsunami, e.g. Indonesia, 2004). Lack of belief in authority (young population). Much media attention (nuclear hazards e.g. Chernobyl; Mozambique floods, 2000).
Factors Reducing Risk Perception Voluntary hazard (professional mountaineers). Delayed impact (e.g. drought in Ethiopia, 2003, 2008). Indirect impact (e.g. drought in Spain and Portugal and the effect on tourism). Common accident (car crash). Few fatalities per disaster (e.g. UK floods, 2007). Deaths random in space and time (stomach cancer).
Factors Reducing Risk Perception Statistical victims (cigarette smokers). Processes well understood (flooding). Controllable hazard (ice on motorway). Familiar hazard (river flood). Belief in authority (university scientist). Little media attention (factory discharge in water or atmosphere).
Factors Affecting Perception Of Risk Experience. Material well-being. Personality. Do nothing.
Activity 1.What is risk? 2.Is risk the same for all people (think about the bike video)? 3.What is the point in putting yourself at risk? 4.Read the “Disaster Risk Increasing Says UN” BBC Article and answer the following question… Explain the reasons why individuals and communities often underestimate the probability of hazard event occurring? [10 Marks]