Chapter Nine Matrimony
The Mystery of Love God intertwines human and divine love— when we know one we will know the other Matrimony—celebrates the human relationship of wedded life between a man and a woman and their relationship with the divine In marriage we see Christ’s great love for the Church
God created men and women for each other God made marriage the foundation of human society Marriage allows us to participate in the experience of divine love and divine unity Disharmony in marriage is result of our sin The Mystery of Love
God helps us overcome effects of sin Marriage encourages spouses to be giving and selfless The Mystery of Love
Jesus confirmed the goodness of marriage making it an actual source of God’s grace Jesus made marriage a sign of God’s faithfulness Marriage takes form of a covenant –Relationship of self-giving –Fidelity and permanence The Nature of Christian Marriage
Marriage established by God for two reasons: –For the good of the husband and wife; to support each other and help each other grow, to become closer to God –Procreation—marriage creates a communion of love into which children can be born Purpose of Marriage
Purpose of sexual intimacy within marriage –Enhance the unity of the spouses –Procreation Regulation of spacing children within marriage allowed for just and moral reasons –Natural means of birth regulation Purpose of Marriage
The family is called the domestic church—it is the “church of the home” Relationships within family create foundation for all other relationships Families need to offer love, acceptance, and support Family is place where God’s grace is clearly visible Purpose of Marriage
Parents and children have obligations to each other Families have mission and responsibility to the world at large Purpose of Marriage
First century marriages private, take place in homes, move to have bishop approval Historical Development of Sacrament of Marriage
_______________________________________________________ St. Augustine taught marriage is a sacrament of the relationship between Christ and his Church 5th Century Marriage named one of the seven sacraments 12th century Bishops call for blessings of secular marriages 11 th Century Liturgical weddings established Council of Trent declares marriage only valid if celebrated before priest and two witnesses 16 th Century
Historical Development of Sacrament of Marriage 16 th Century—marriages take place inside the church—nuptial mass Wedding vows pronounced freely and in public Vatican II stresses equality of marriage partners –“Authentic married love is caught up into divine love”
Catholic Marriage Today Spouses are the ministers of the sacrament Priest or deacon receives consent of the couple and offers blessing of the Church The rite of marriage –Couples express desire to marry, exchange of vows, blessing and exchange of rings, blessing of couple
Rite of marriage normally takes place during Mass after homily –Exceptions with marrying unbaptized or baptized non-Catholic Marriage affects Church community, and Church community has role in the marriage Catholic Marriage Today
Catholics encouraged to marry other Catholics Permission of bishop needed to marry baptized non-Catholic Special dispensation needed to marry un- baptized person Catholic Marriage Today
Divorce seen as “grave offense against natural law”—Jesus forbade divorce and remarriage Adultery, or marital infidelity is one of the sins against marriage If couple lives apart, they are still married before God Catholic Marriage Today