1 Facts, Fantasy, and the Resurrection An Easter Sunday Message April 24, 2011 Pastor Joe Pursch Chinese Grace Bible Church
2 Facts, Fantasy, and the Resurrection Acts 2:32 “ This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. ”
3 Facts, Fantasy, and the Resurrection
4 Introduction
5 Introduction Question: How do we establish a historical certainty?
6 Introduction Question: How do we establish an historical certainty? Step One: We find all the facts.
7 Introduction Question: How do we establish a historical certainty?
8 Introduction Step Two: We find the best explanation that fits the facts..
9 I.What are the facts concerning the death of Jesus Christ?
10 I.What are the facts concerning the death of Jesus Christ? Jesus died by Roman crucifixion in Jerusalem.
11 I.What are the facts concerning the death of Jesus Christ?
12 I.What are the facts concerning the death of Jesus Christ? His disciples believed that they had seen Him risen.
13 I.What are the facts concerning the death of Jesus Christ?
14 I.What are the facts concerning the death of Jesus Christ? The tomb of Jesus Christ was empty.
15 Facts, Fantasy, and the Resurrection
16 II.What is the best explanation that fits these facts?
17 II.What is the best explanation that fits these facts? The most popular evasions.
18 II.What is the best explanation that fits these facts?
19 II.What is the best explanation that fits these facts? The best possible explanation.
20 Facts, Fantasy, and the Resurrection
21 Conclusion
22 Conclusion He is Risen!
23 Facts, Fantasy, and the Resurrection