Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management Information Management I NFORMATION M ANAGEMENT P ROJECT U PDATE FACT/ERU Working Group Geneva, June 2012
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What have we done to date (i.e., since Ottawa)? Developed concept paper – ARC initial funding and contributions from various NS Mapping of FACT IM activities Piloted FACT Induction IM Module in Liberia Piloted tools in Tunisia (trackers, forms) and Liberia (assessment matrix, decision aid, forms) Building support and cooperation with ERUs, PNSs, Drafting info documents, tools 2
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management Individual/Family self help, support Local/Community assistance, support services National: GOV, NS, NGO, Private assistance, services, infrastructure International: IGO, INGO, Private assistance, services, infrastructure Global Community/context culture, politics, finance, law Disaster response system
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management Field Response Unit RC/RC Community Host National Society assistance, resources Partner National Society(s) assistance, resources Movement: IFRC, ICRC resources, services, coordination Global Community context culture, politics, finance, law RCRC response system
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What critical need is common to all emergency responses? A need for relevant, reliable, and timely information to make key strategic and operational decisions 5
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management The importance of information 6 “Information itself is very directly about saving lives. If we take the wrong decisions, make the wrong choices about where we put our money and our effort because our knowledge is poor, we are condemning some of the most deserving to death or destitution.” John Holmes (2008) former UN Emergency Relief Coordinator “Information itself is very directly about saving lives. If we take the wrong decisions, make the wrong choices about where we put our money and our effort because our knowledge is poor, we are condemning some of the most deserving to death or destitution.” John Holmes (2008) former UN Emergency Relief Coordinator “Information is as important as food.” Marcus Garcia (2011) owner, Haitian radio station Melody FM “Information is as important as food.” Marcus Garcia (2011) owner, Haitian radio station Melody FM
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management The reality of information Who are the most vulnerable? Who is responding? Assessments What happened? Now ! More! Less! Immediately ! Over there Here What are the needs? Data How much? Stop! Start! 7
The “DIKW” Spectrum DataInformationKnowledge Wisdom 8 Understanding Past, Experience Future, Originality Connectivity Doing things right Doing the right things
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management IM in RCRC response Information Management is the function within every response that facilitates the Collection, Collation, Analysis, and Dissemination of relevant multi-sectoral Data and Information. IM Outcomes in RCRC response: Timely, relevant, and useful information regarding the Needs, Capacity, Outputs, Gaps, Outcomes, and Impact, pertaining to Red Cross activities and the humanitarian response in general, Well-enabled decision-making leading to a robust Plan of Action involving all sectors, Accurate and evidence-based reporting and communication, A foundation for an information management system that can be continued beyond the natural life of a response team (starting with the NS, FACT, e.g.) and into longer-term operations and through recovery.
Information Management PROCESS 10 Data Collection Data Collation Data Analysis Information Dissemination DECISIONS ACTION !
Information Management: A sequence of linked activities, essentially taking raw data, compiling and associating it with other relevant data and information, and presenting this in a format designed to assist analysis, decision-making and action regarding aspects of a humanitarian crisis.
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What is Information Management? IM is a: System Framework Process: Collection Collation Analysis Dissemination IM supports but is NOT: Decision-making Assessments Reporting Programming Communications Monitoring and Evaluation Information Technology 12 IM is about HOW you manage information. How you build understanding.
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management IM Key points Timely, relevant, useful information managed to support decision-making, coordination, and operations Systems thinking to guide decisions and action Information managed as a common language interface across and between all levels of the response system Common vision – Collective action – Quality outcomes How matters
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What is the Global Response Tools IM Project? Aim To provide an information management structure to global response tools while scoping out the longer-term IM strategy, needs and support. Objectives 1. Improve global response tools’ IM system and resources, 2. Integrate IM systems into response tools such as FACT and ERUs, and 3. Engage stakeholders in common understanding, development of vision, process for improvement, and coordinated implementation of IM system for global tools. 14
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What are we building on? 1. Other initiatives (with support from various PNSs) Shelter Cluster IM APDMU PADRU 2. Existing tools: FACT/ERUs Plan of Action Appeals 3. Response experiences: Haiti, Pakistan, Tunisia 4. Relief ERU Business Process 15
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management ERU Working Groups discussions – Key points All understand importance of and need for improved IM Multiple mention of need for: Reviewing, updating, streamlining, integrating, existing reporting (IM) formats/templates, Data management and analysis capacity – within and to ERUs Access to analyzed, visual (maps, tables, graphics, e.g.), targeted, real-time, shared (between ERUs, FACT, operations, etc.) information, Availability of pre-disaster/deployment data and information – including RCRC lessons/experience in same country/context Dynamic access platform for sharing searchable, manipulate-able datasets General consensus on need to improve standardization of data collected/collection and on reporting; some already working on improved reporting templates Concern that IM project not just focus on reporting, templates, FACT, etc. but also more comprehensive IM needs Many opportunities for synergy, collaboration with ERUs and FACT and IM project
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What are our near-term plans? Follow up with ERU focal points and/or working groups to share needs, templates, ideas, etc. Convening key stakeholders Collecting & mapping existing tools Developing/refining/standardizing tools Word templates, Checklists, Excel trackers, Analysis templates Guidance documents & examples On-line repository Field testing Refining/packaging IM training module 17
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management What ideas are we exploring? Recommendations for IM strategy Scoping of needs for larger, longer-term project Potential IM roster Synergy with other initiatives including assessments, logs, IT platforms, etc. 18
Saving lives, changing minds. Information Management Who is involved in this project? IFRC DCM Shelter Cluster IM IFRC Canadian Red Cross American Red Cross ISD Information/Reporting IROC Relief Interested ERU members Others welcome 19