AET/515 International Guest Services (Veronique Reaves) Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1
Needs Assessment 1. Problem: Boardman Corporate University does not currently offer employee training in International guest services. 2. Currently Available: Training courses are available in other areas; food service, hospitality, management etc. but not for International guest services. International guests frequent the Baderman Island Resort. 3. Needed: An employee training course that teaches employees how to interact with international guests, service their specific needs, how to effectively communicate with International guests, become familiar with different countries of the world and their locations, and sensitivity training. 4. Gap Analysis: Currently, there are courses available for other services but nothing available to instruct employees on how to service international guests, which may be different from servicing an American guest due to differences in religious beliefs, diet, common practices, and social interactions. 5. Solution: A course that teaches employees how to interact with international guests and provide basic services to them in accordance with their personal beliefs and practices. The course will also give employees a brief overview of the world map and locations of the more common countries of the world and discuss their current relations with the United States. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2
Instructional Goal Upon successful completion this instructional plan employees should be able to: Identify with and effectively service the general needs of an international guest according to the common beliefs and practices of the guest’s home country Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3
Performance-Based Objectives A – audience – Employees of Baderman Island Resort participating in employee training advancement courses B – behavior – Employees should demonstrate fully the ability to effectively service an international guest and identify guests country of origin on a world map C – conditions – Employees will be evaluated upon completion of the course through testing and scenario analysis D – degree of accomplishment – Employees should be able to put into practice and effectively demonstrate, all learning objectives Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4
Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the International Guest Services training course, employees will be able to: ◦ effectively communicate with and provide services to international guests ◦ exercise sensitivity towards guest’s specific needs ◦ be able to identify guests country of origin on world map Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5
Learner Characteristics The International Guest Service training course is an employee training course with a maximum of 15 employees in any given session. Employees must complete the program with a competency level of 75% or above. Anything below 75% is considered to be an incomplete meaning employees must sign up to retake the course from the beginning. Employees will learn through kinesthetic or hands on learning. Employees will use the knowledge they have gained to advance themselves to a higher level within the company. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6
Learning Context For this course students will utilize a classroom setting equipped with a projection screen for a large view of the world map. The small class size will allow for group scenario analysis to analyze how to handle various employee problems and situations. Instruction will take place through lecture and visual media. Employees will perform scenario analysis to determine how to handle various situations that may arise. Instruction will be open ended. Course duration is three weeks. For one hour and thirty minutes, three days a week. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7
Instructional Strategies Participants will be taught: Proper ways to greet and address international guests according to their home country’s standards and practices How to exercise sensitivity towards international guests’ and their religion, beliefs, and personal practices How to correctly identify different countries of the world on a world map Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to: Demonstrate how to properly assist an international guest Explain how to meet the needs of an international guest and assist them with their personal needs and requests through scenario analysis Locate different countries on a map of the world upon instructor request Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8
Delivery Modality This course will be instructor led. Instructional media will be utilized such as a projection screen for visual media. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9
Plan for Implementation Employees will meet in the classroom for one hour and thirty minutes for three days out of the week for instructor led instruction The following are to be brought to class each day: Pen/pencil for note taking Notebook Picture Identification Participants include: Instructors Participating employees who are registered for the course Resources: Announcements will be made and employees will have option to sign up for course dates and times that are best suited for them Employees will be given incentives for completion which include: Position advancement opportunities Pay increases Instructional Time: This course will be offered quarterly for a three week duration period. Instructional times are three days per week in one and a half hour sessions. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10
Instructional Resources For instructional purposes, the use of the following is required: ◦ Pen/pencil for note taking. ◦ Notebooks ◦ Large projection screen Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11
Formative Assessment Five formative assessment strategies ◦ Instructor’s feedback ◦ Course rubric requirements ◦ Map identification exercises ◦ Scenario analysis exercises ◦ Employee course satisfaction surveys Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12
Evaluation Strategies Students will be evaluated by the facilitator on the following objectives: ◦ The ability to properly assist international guests with issues or problems thru scenario analysis exercises performed in class ◦ The ability to recognize and identify other countries and origins on a map of the world ◦ Employees’ general knowledge of current foreign relations between the United States and other countries Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13
Outcome Review (After reading the information below, delete and insert your information.) The facilitator will evaluate the employees using a rubric which indicates completion and mastering of the course and mastering of the indicated skills ◦ Tested and mastered = Material was learned and employee passed evaluation ◦ Tested but not mastered = Material was presented but employee did not pass evaluation ◦ Incomplete = Employee did not master material, was not tested, and/or course was not completed *In the event of an incomplete, employees can retake course, a minimum of up to two times after which a fee will be incurred for which the employee is responsible for each additional session of this course Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14
Outcome Review Tested and Mastered Tested but not mastered Incomplete Employee passes scenario analysis Effectively and efficiently handles created scenario in which they will be evaluated by the instructor. Scenario analysis will be given via written examination. Evaluation given but requirements in order to pass scenario analysis were not met. Employee did not meet requirements or did not take the scenario analysis evaluation. World map recognition examination Recognizes and identifies countries which they are asked to identify on a map of the world. Employees must pass with a minimum of 60% correct. Employee was evaluated but did not meet the 60% requirement to pass. Employee did not meet requirements or did not take the world map recognition evaluation. Current events evaluation True/false and multiple choice short exam given on current world events and U.S. relations. Must pass with 60% correct. Employee was evaluated but did not meet the 60% requirement to pass. Employee did not meet requirements or did not take the current events evaluation.
Recommendations This course will prepare employees for any situations in which they have to provide services to international guests from other countries visiting the resort. Future courses will allow growth within the company. The course prepares current employees opportunities for advancement. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16
References Resources Contributor. (2012). ADDIE Evaluation Process. Retrieved from Intulogy: Strickland, P. A. (2012). ADDIE Evaluate. Retrieved from ISU College of Education: Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17