ASHA Plus Scheme Improving Access to Reproductive Health Services among the Poor
ASHA Plus Scheme: Some Highlights Flexible population coverage Selection by NGO, health department, and panchayats Training material developed by professionals Training programs conducted by NGOs Performance-based disbursement system for a wide range of services MIS developed and introduced Household and ELCO mapping for micro planning Village level Panchayat meeting with the community to select the ASHA+ volunteer Meeting with Panchayat members and the community to share the ASHA+ model ASHA+ volunteer selected through community consensus ASHA+ volunteer selected through community consensus ASHA+ begins community work
Promoting Early Registration of Pregnancy
Increasing Institutional Delivery
Scaling up ASHA Plus Scheme Coverage & Funding Total population coverage in pilot: 180,000 Total population coverage in scale up: 3.13 million Total population coverage in pilot: 180,000 Total population coverage in scale up: 3.13 million USAID contribution in demonstration: USD 241,000 per year GoUK funds for scale up: USD 450,000 per year USAID contribution in demonstration: USD 241,000 per year GoUK funds for scale up: USD 450,000 per year
Successful public private partnerships informed policy reforms in Uttarakhand Photo by Suneeta Sharma
Innovations Informed Equitable Policy Reform Policy and Financing analyses Review of innovation and effective approaches Demographic Projection Modeling Key Informant Interviews Focus Group Discussions High-level policy dialogue with senior policymakers and officials Incorporation of equity goals and approaches in the state Health and Population Policy Data AnalysisDialogueDecision
Incorporating Equity Approaches into Policy Tailored approaches for Urban Rural Hilly PPP models Mobile health vans in remote rural areas Community mobilization in rural plains Contracting out in urban areas Outreach for the urban poor Photo by Meena Kadri
Incorporating Equity Approaches into Policy Financing mechanisms Health insurance Voucher scheme Community savings plans Equitable allocation of resources Regional disparities Level of poverty Disease pattern Underserved groups Photo by Steve Evans
Conclusions Good understanding of the policy environment and the market Government leadership and ownership Shared goals Continuous process of monitoring, evaluation, feed back, and problem solving Sustainable financing Linkage between proven models and policies Photo by Suneeta Sharma