Nicanor Perlas, Walden Bello and Anti- Globalization in the Philippines By Ryan Savino
Globalization: Definition the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets (merriam-
Social Threefolding Originated from Rudolf Steiner and concept of Anthroposophy Three spheres: business, politics and culture Interdependent, but harmonious Sustainable development = The everyman
The Asian Crisis 1997 Thai baht exchange rate to US dollar no longer fixed Investors withdrew assets Baht value and market fell Occurred also in Philippines, Indonesia and Taiwan Inflation of Philippine peso from pesos/dollar on January 3 rd 1997 to pesos/dollar on January 23 rd of 1998 Actually in South Korea, but you get the point
IMF: A different view “Among the potential victims of the crisis, the Philippines economy performed exceptionally. The Philippines was in an IMF program at the start of the crisis, and it skillfully pursued good policies, both by allowing the exchange rate to adjust when it came under pressure, and by defending it through interest rate policy. As the economy came under pressure, IMF financing for the Philippines was increased. The country benefited from the composition of its trade, which is more heavily weighted towards the United States than that of the more severely affected countries.”
Nicanor Perlas Social threefolding basis of his ideas Works for the people Banned harmful pesticides 100,000 farmers taught alternative methods 1994 TOFIL (The Outstanding Filipino Award) recipient
Perlas’ words of wisdom "We are in fact faced with very deep spiritual social problems, which require spiritual responses from us. Ordinary, secular, materialistic answers will not do. For behind every act of social resistance and creativity is a spiritual act. Spiritual revolution must have happened first within us before we can create the new world we all long for."
Walden Bello Executive officer of Focus on the Global South Author of “Development Debacle” WTO too powerful Exposed World Bank and IMF loans aiding Ferdinand Marcos (dictator) Protested at the “Battle of Seattle”
Bello: Words of Wisdom "Globalization has not only lost its promise but is embittering many. The forces representing human solidarity and community have no choice but to step in quickly to convince the disenchanted masses that, as the banner of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre proclaims, 'Another world is possible!'"
“Battle of Seattle”: The Power of Culture Protests in Seattle against WTO “Even in the midst of its stupendous economic boom (in which Microsoft, based near Seattle has led the way), America has learned an old lesson that man does not live by bread alone,” says Paul Reynolds of BBC news
A New World View Quality of human life is more valuable than profit Agriculture needs to be transformed Sustainable development as a path to healthier, environmentally friendly and more democratic way of life Balance between politics, business and culture