1 University of Kent, Ingram Building, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NH E: or E: LOOK FIRST AT THE SPS WEBSITE:
Contact Points 2
Make a visit termly to discuss overall academic progress, professional development, undergraduate skills planning Independent learning/planning using MyFolio BUT for help with MODULE TEACHING & LEARNING...Contact the Module lecturer/convenor for queries about class/lab content or assessments (and check for module info on Moodle) Foundation Year Academic Adviser: Dr Vicky Mason 3
SPS ADMIN POINT (Student Counter Ingram 205) for general advice/forms: -Transfer Programme of Study forms -Self-certification sick day forms -PASS absence/concession forms -Change of mark forms Submission of forms, learning contracts and documents that require signature Queries relating to student records on SDS: -Modules, marks, timetable, attendance etc Manager: Kim Harty; 4
SCHOOL SUPPORT: the SSA for any NON- academic issues severely affecting your studies – or to arrange support with other services. Pastoral advice (personal/family health/welfare) PASS Concessions issues: absence due to illness, long-term health/learning condition or disability affecting attendance, assessments, progression or exams; chat before issues lead to a possible warning (from the Senior Tutor, Mark Johnson)! SSLC (Member, Staff-Student Liaison Committee) – vote in a year-group Student Rep. (Kent Union) Peer mentoring SSA co-ordinates with DoUGS Note: DoUGS (Directors of Undergraduate Studies) by subject area: Physics, Forensics and Chemistry) 5
Severe health/ongoing conditions; disabilities; Allergies; Arthritis; Aspergers/Autism; Crohn’s Diabetes; Epilepsy (past or present);Fainting; Eye/visual conditions; Fibromyalgia; Hearing problems;IBS;Seizures, etc. Mental ill-health/ongoing conditions; Bipolar, Alcohol/Drug issues, Depression, OCD, Psychosis Educational learning needs – ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia; Scotopic….and so on. 6
7 1.Look after yourself: aim for a balanced diet and lifestyle – work/leisure/exercise/sleep 2.Register a disability, long-term learning need or medical condition with SSW (Student Support & Wellbeing Service, Keynes Hg7-9) 3.Communicate with flat-mates; learn to live together amicably (use a cleaning rota)! College Masters assist with life problems at Kent. 4.Organisational skills poor? visit SLAS (the Student Learning Advisory Service nr.Santander ) 5.English not your native language? Seek support from CEWL (Centre for English & World Languages in Keynes) 6.Anxious or worried: try talking to others, use relaxation techniques, the University Nursing Service, Counselling; and register with the University Medical Centre for health needs.
SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES web-site: Seehttp:// Home: News & Events, Research Groups, Employability, Staff List/roles; Studying: Undergraduate Study, Student Handbooks, Student Societies Local Users: (access only with a Kent login and password) to: Academic Advisers; Self-Certification (single sick day scheme); PASS (student support); Undergraduates (past papers; SSLC and student reps). PASS STUDENT SUPPORT in SPS is considered primarily under three headings: ACADEMIC support: Student Handbook, module outlines, Staff list/roles, etc. ADMINISTRATIVE support: SDS, forms; administrative information/notices. PASTORAL/welfare support: Visit the PASS (Pastoral/Student Support) pages. FOR OTHER UNIVERSITY SERVICES, see ‘QUICK LINKS’ to /Moodle/SDS and YOUR LOGIN TAKES YOU TO THE STUDENT GUIDE – for all Central Services (use Quicklinks). ‘STUDENT GUIDE’ at: for links to Studying at Kent: Getting Started, Academic Schools, Studying at Kent, Postgraduate Study, Employability, or Campus Life: Support, Health & Wellbeing, Getting Around, Life & Accommodation, Finance, Kent Union, Colleges, Food & Entertainment, Enhancing your Experience, News. Tip: Sign up on SDS for text-messaging service; see S from for changes to your timetable, modules, marks screen, deadlines tabs (pages). Tip: It’s polite to send an to one person only, but fine to cc (copy in) other interested parties. ONE topic per please so s can be filed when dealt with. Thank you. 8