The Henry Moore Primary School Academy consultation May 2015
Page 2 What is the proposal? The Henry Moore Primary School to convert to become an academy Build on the benefits of supporting schools like St James Develop a new partnership of schools through a multi academy trust Apply to be an academy sponsor so Henry Moore can support under-performing schools in the local area Apply to run the proposed Newhall school to open September 2017 Proposal that enables The Henry Moore Primary School to have greater control over its future in a challenging, educational landscape
Page 3 The challenges that Henry Moore faces Maintaining and sustaining improvements in pupil attainment and progress against ever changing, challenging Government targets Securing or improving the Ofsted grade as assessment framework toughens Tighter budgets as revenue flat/declining, costs increasing and lack of clarity over future funding formula Time and resource efficient access to quality, cost-efficient services Vulnerability of neighbouring schools & impact of sponsorship on local arrangements BUT Increasing realisation among schools that strong partnership can help schools respond effectively to these challenges DfE policy and practice to encourage academy partnerships
Page 4 How will Henry Moore pupils and staff benefit? Better recruitment and retention of teachers and support staff Staff being part of a larger organisation that can better meet their career aspirations Enhanced professional development for staff Staff developing and sharing best practice with a larger group of colleagues with wider range of experience and skills Easier access to specialist teaching and learning Opportunity to employ/commission specialist teachers across group of schools Richer curriculum and learning opportunities for pupils Ability to develop innovative cross-school projects, activities and experiences More effective use of budgets through group economies of scale Access to new revenue and capital funding Sustain and build on the strength of pupil development, progress and achievement
Page 5 What will stay the same at Henry Moore? Ethos and values of a community school Focus on the children Headteacher Teachers and support staff High standards of academic and personal development Excellent quality of teaching and learning Broad curriculum with core focus on numeracy and literacy The Henry Moore Primary School as the official name Uniform Ofsted inspection Key Stage 1 and 2 tests Government funded
Page 6 What will change at Henry Moore? New employer for staff New Trust Board with many existing Governors as Directors Trust Board directly accountable to Secretary of State No longer Local Authority controlled but still part of Harlow family of schools New Local Governing Body, mostly current Governors Additional funding for academy responsibilities Opportunity for other schools to join the Trust Opportunity to sponsor other schools
Page 7 How the governance of the school will be different Academy #2 LGB Academy #3 LGB The Henry Moore LGB Trust Board of Directors Trust Members The Henry Moore Governing Body Essex County Council 3 existing/former Governors will become Trust Members out of 5 Members in total At least 6 existing Governors will become Trust Directors out of 9 Directors in total Harlow Education Trust
Page 8 How other partner schools will be chosen Develop criteria for choosing partner schools Local Primary Community ethos & values Commitment to excellence Mutual benefit for our staff and pupils Carry out due diligence on potential partner schools Pupil progress and attainment Quality of teaching & learning Financial sustainability Governance & leadership Seek DfE approval to sponsor or convert a school When it is in the best interests of Henry Moore!
Page 9 Next steps Consultation closes May 19th Consultation report including survey responses will then be written Governing Body will meet in early June to review the report, consider progress on key issues and decide whether to proceed with proposal The Henry Moore Primary School would officially convert September 1 st 2015 Bid to run proposed Newhall School to be submitted in Autumn 2015 Next school might join the Trust from January 2016