Final Class: Human Diversity & Intercultural Competence and Understanding Course Synthesis Presentation by Ása
Classroom Environment in Iceland: Very few, if any, immigrants Very few, if any, immigrants The majority is middle class, some would be considered poor and some rich (but all got a place to live and food on the table) The majority is middle class, some would be considered poor and some rich (but all got a place to live and food on the table) There can be disabled students in the classroom There can be disabled students in the classroom Typical classroom consists of 25 students and one teacher Typical classroom consists of 25 students and one teacher
4th class in Reykjavík 2003
Methods of teaching: As many as possible. As many as possible. Everybody learns differently (Multiple intelligences by Gardner). Everybody learns differently (Multiple intelligences by Gardner). A teacher has to get used to using a lot of methods and demonstrations. A teacher has to get used to using a lot of methods and demonstrations. What you’re used to (and how you were taught) What you’re used to (and how you were taught) What you feel comfortable with What you feel comfortable with This is the best time! This is the best time!
Examples of different teaching methods: Explain in words Explain in words Drawing a picture of the thing you’re trying to describe on the blackboard Drawing a picture of the thing you’re trying to describe on the blackboard Show a video about it (if available) Show a video about it (if available) Making the students do a little play about it (even possible in science!) Making the students do a little play about it (even possible in science!) think, pair, share think, pair, share Demonstration experiments Demonstration experiments Many other ways... Many other ways...
Learning about electric circuits
Classroom decoration and design: All kinds of chemistry, physics and biology posters and objects like the periodic table, pictures of animals and plants and maybe real ones as well. All kinds of chemistry, physics and biology posters and objects like the periodic table, pictures of animals and plants and maybe real ones as well. Pictures of children all over the world looking at and studying the same things. Pictures of children all over the world looking at and studying the same things. Posters of children from poor countries doing other things. Posters of children from poor countries doing other things. Pictures from laboratories where both men and women work side by side. Pictures from laboratories where both men and women work side by side. Now it seems that my classroom walls will just be filled with all kinds of stuff, but isn’t that what science classrooms are supposed to look like?!? I think so Now it seems that my classroom walls will just be filled with all kinds of stuff, but isn’t that what science classrooms are supposed to look like?!? I think so
Ása and Íris, studying chemistry in Finland!
Roles of teacher and students: The teacher is there to teach the subject and help in any way he can. The teacher is there to teach the subject and help in any way he can. The teacher is also a role model (in everything he does) The teacher is also a role model (in everything he does) Ready to teach and explain in the simplest way and using all kinds of methods, as discussed earlier. Ready to teach and explain in the simplest way and using all kinds of methods, as discussed earlier. Some have maybe understood most of it Some have maybe understood most of it Others might be completely lost and have no idea of what’s going on. Others might be completely lost and have no idea of what’s going on. Faith in the students, patience. Faith in the students, patience. The students are there to be interested, willing to learn and have fun. The students are there to be interested, willing to learn and have fun.
Cont. “if my teacher can learn this,so can I. He isn’t really smarter than me in any way, he’s just studied more over the years” “if my teacher can learn this,so can I. He isn’t really smarter than me in any way, he’s just studied more over the years” Our brains aren’t that different Our brains aren’t that different Interest Interest Positive thoughts Positive thoughts Students as researchers. Students as researchers. Finding information is easy: Finding information is easy: -a good library or an internet connection. -a good library or an internet connection.
Student behavior No bullying or ignoring No bullying or ignoring Turn in assignments at the right time Turn in assignments at the right time Show up in class (and at the right time) Show up in class (and at the right time) Show me (the teacher) the same respect that I show them Show me (the teacher) the same respect that I show them
Recommendations to the school: Display: Display: All kinds of family types All kinds of family types Children from all over the world Children from all over the world Men and women in different jobs Men and women in different jobs Look at each school Look at each school