Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation Jessie R. Williams “A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” Forest E. Witcraft
~Early Childhood Education Major ~Completed Candidate Teaching at Avery Elementary ~Placed in Kindergarten ~Collaborating Teacher - Angela Switzer Jessie R. Williams
Avery Elementary School Principal: Letitia Cline Assistant Principals: Stacey Krutz and Christian Kirby Approximately 1175 students are enrolled at Avery Elementary. Located in Canton, Georgia Student population comes from a variety of middle to upper middle class neighborhoods, as well as, a few low income areas in the community.
My Class! ▫16 students -8 boys -8 girls ◊All students are Caucasian ◦3 students have been tested for Gifted Program
Our Daily Schedule 7:20-8:00Students arrive and complete morning procedures 8:00-8:35Specials (Counselor, Art, Music, or P.E.) 8:35-8:50Calendar Time 8:50-9:10Restroom Break/Snack 9:10-10:00Literacy (guided reading and centers) 10:00-10:40Science/Shared Reading 10:40-11:10Math 11:19-11:49Lunch line 1 table 3 11:49-11:55Restroom/Water 11:55-12:20Complete Math 12:20-12:50Recess 12:50-1:00Restroom/Water 1:00-1:30Reading/Writing 1:30-2:05Work completion, developmental centers, clean up, dismissal
Before I began… I was so overwhelmed with the thought that, at some point, I would be in control of these students. Their education was in my hands. ▪ How will I handle this? ▪ Am I ready? ▪ Am I capable? I was scared, anxious, and worried but also prepared, excited, and completely unaware of the wonderful journey that was to come!
DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 1.0: The teacher candidate uses knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to same essential content. Reflective Analysis: In each lesson I created, I took into consideration the personal and educational differences of the students. I created activities based on learner differences and academic strengths and weaknesses. I did this so each lesson would be respectful of all students and allow them to ultimately meet the standards of the kindergarten curriculum.
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS: Three Lesson Plans Movement Lesson Plan Time Lesson Plan Multiple Meaning Words Lesson Plan
DOMAIN II: PROVIDING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 2.0: The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment. Reflective Analysis: In order to provide the most effective lessons, I created activities and assessments that would actively engage students in their learning. I tried to include at least three of the Multiple Intelligences in each lesson. Focused on the Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Linguistic Intelligences.
Assessment Activities Movement Pre-Assessment - Each student will be individually asked to use a small object and create each of the movements listed in the standards. Students who are able to create the correct motion will receive a check mark and those who cannot will not receive a check mark on the check list. Movements Include: straight, zigzag, round and round, back and forth, fast and slow, and motionless.
Assessment Activities Cont. Time Pre-Assessment - Each student was pulled aside and shown an analog clock set to three o'clock. I asked the student if they were able to tell me what time the clock said and if so what time was it. If a student said they could not tell the time or said the wrong time, they were not marked off on the checklist. If the student was correct on telling the time, I moved the clock to another hour to be sure that they did not guess correctly but could actually read the clock. Those students who could read the clock more than once were given a check on the checklist.
Assessment Activities Cont. Time Post-Assessment: Students were divided into three groups based on the pre-assessment. – Students in group 1 will be shown a clock set to three o’clock and asked what time the clock shows. – Students in group 2 will be asked to show a time that I tell them on an analog clock. – Students in group 3 will be shown a clock set to the half hour and asked what time the clock shows. Students will receive a checkmark if they are able to tell time to the hour.
Websites Utilized BrainPop BrainPop Jr. United Streaming Carl’s Corner Starfall Avery Elementary School Website Cherokee County School District Website Georgia DOE Website
Classroom Management System Love and Logic Avery Elementary uses a school wide behavioral management system. Love and Logic is a philosophy founded in 1977 by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. “…kids will make mistakes and must be held accountable for those mistakes.” Adults are not the “bad guys.” Poor choices have logical consequences.
Room Diagram Cooking Center and Storage Student Tables Promethean Board Art Center White Board Mrs. Switzer’s Desk Computers Guided Reading Table Class Library Developmental Center/Kitchen Developmental Centers Math Centers Center Tables Carpet Literacy Storage Lesson Plans White Board Door Window
DOMAIN III: IMPACTING STUDENT LEARNING Proficiency 3.0: The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction. Reflective Analysis: Before each lesson, I used a pre-assessment to better plan for my students instruction. During each lesson, I used student work and checklists to determine if the lesson was making an impact and then made adjustments accordingly. Lastly, I used formal post assessments to measure how effective each lesson was and what adjustments needed to be made for future lessons.
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS An example of assessment results to adjust my instruction: Addition Pre Test Assessments ParkerParker and DylanDylan How did I adjust for these students? Teaching vs. Enriching Basic Skills vs. Challenging Activities
Completed Assessment Tools
DOMAIN IV: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT OF DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 4.0: The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning. Reflective Analysis: With each lesson I created, I did not limit the teaching to only one method of instruction. Students were able to move, speak, write, work in groups, and more. I also took into consideration the reading levels of each student and then provided them with differentiated assignments according to the DIBELS Levels.
ARTIFACTS Parent-Teacher Conferences Attended Professional Organization Memberships – Evaluations from College Supervisor First ObservationLast Observation First ObservationLast Observation Collaborating Teacher Evaluation School Meetings Attended: -Monthly Staff Meetings -Weekly Grade Level Meetings -SIP (School Improvement Plan) Meetings -Kindergarten Registration Meeting and Registration
My Teaching Philosophy THEN..NOW… -8 page Document -Very Wordy -Difficult to read and understand -Too many ideas -Written as an essay, not a way of thinking or teaching -Old PhilosophyOld Philosophy -Simple and to the point -Differentiation is the method of finding the right path of learning and instructional needs for each student that will ultimately enable all students to reach the same level of understanding. -Differentiation is not an option, it is a must. -Although every child is different, the curriculum is not, so as teachers we have to find what method of instruction will be best for each student in order to learn the material.
In conclusion… -Continuing Plan to Develop as a Professional Educator: I plan on becoming Special Education Certified. I would like to pursue my Gifted Endorsement. -Future Challenges as a Teacher: Continuing to become more confident in myself. Being able to get everything accomplished. -Differences between a Candidate Teacher and a First-year Teacher: You are on your own! (But there is always support from other staff members.) -Advice to Future Candidate Teachers: Be involved in everything you can! Make copies of everything you like: You may not remember it later! Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You will be fine!