Agenda/Bell Work 8 th Grade 8/17/2014 Monday
Agenda: Monday, August 17, 2015 Warm-up Turn in Time Capsule Finish group discussions Display/explain findings on chart paper Share out to the class H/W: Multiple Intelligences Survey & send Mrs. Genty an Content Objectives: We will complete a warm-up; discuss and answer questions collaboratively in a group; display findings on a sheet of chart paper Language Objectives: We will use academic language in collaborative conversations and ask clarifying questions as needed
Take Out Menu: please take out the following items. Your spiral-bound notebook (or a sheet of notebook paper if you do not have a notebook) Your discussion notes from Friday Your Time Capsule Project
Next: Collect Time Capsules Make sure your name (first & last) is on the outside of the time capsule. Make sure you’ve included ALL the requirements: 3 primary sources—one of which is a recent photograph Your Questionnaire Your Friendly Letter Your Rubric—with your name (first & last) written on it Your yarn measurement I will call you over by group number and collect your capsules.
Generative Sentences I will provide you with a formula, like this: Write a 6-word sentence with the word “school” in the 3 rd word position. You must construct a sentence that matches the formula— and you’ll be timed. Here’s an example:
Warm-Up: Generative Sentences You will generate 2 sentences. Follow the instructions below: 1. Write a 5-word sentence with the word “smart” in the 4 th word position. 2. Write a 6-word sentence with the word “intelligence” in the 3 rd word position. You have 2 minutes.
Next: Homework & Survey You’ll receive a handout with instructions for completing tonight’s homework assignments. If you don’t have internet access, you will need to take one of the paper surveys. Please find out how many people in your group need the paper surveys and have one person from your group come collect them from me.
Next: Finish Group Activity Objective: You will work collaboratively as a group to answer three questions. You must arrive at a consensus with your group members. Process: One person will read a question aloud. Then, the group will discuss possible answers to the question. Use the Academic Language Scripts to guide your discussions. You may need the help of a dictionary. See the shelf in the back of the room. Do not move on to the next question until you have all agreed on an answer to the current question. Use your notebook paper to record notes during the discussion (each person must take notes).
Answer the following questions as a group: 1. What is intelligence? 2. Can a person ever be too smart? 3. What is meant by the phrase “ignorance is bliss?”
Next: Chart Paper Each person will select a different colored maker to use on your chart paper. I have markers if you need to borrow them. Each person is responsible for contributing something to the group’s poster. Decide how you would like to arrange the information on your chart paper. Make it legible and large enough to be read from a distance. Be prepared to share out your ideas with the class. Chart paper is located on the table in the back of the room—do not take one until your group has arrived at consensus for all 3 questions. I will set the timer. You’ll have 15 minutes to finish your answers and complete the chart.
Next: Revisit Power Writing from Friday Find your response to the warm-up question from last Friday. After having had discussions with your classmates and hearing what others had to share today, you will reread what you wrote on Friday in response to the questions “What is intelligence?” Next, compose a new response to the question. Be sure to integrate any NEW information you may have learned from this activity.