Waste Rock Storage Area NAG/HPAG/PAG/Pyrite Pond (Total Disturbance 8.6 ha)
NAG/HPAG/PAG/P yrite Pond Facility Rogers Creek
PAG Pyrite Pond HPAG Cleared/grubbed area of PAG and Pyrite Pond during construction of HPAG
Pyrite Pond and PAG areas Pyrite Pond PAG
Access Road to Rogers Creek & Bridge HPAG Cell Earthworks HPAG under construction
HPAG Cell Earthworks HPAG under construction – borrow used for dam construction
Access to Plant site HPAG Cell Earthworks HPAG under construction Liner ready to be placed
NAG Area – soil stockpile was re-vegetated after being stripped prior to construction of waste rock storage area Borrow area