Bonding- Find the why After BOM- Q&A Closing Follow up
Bonding FORM F- Family O-Occupation R-Recreational M-Money
Bonding Find the why? Just out of curiosity when I or my Partner called you, why are you open to looking at other business?
After Presentation…… Individual Ask positive questions What do you like about the presentation? Do you have any questions?
After presentation……. Clinical Studies, Physican Desk Reference, Flipchart, Product Catalogs, Success magazine, Mirror your guests…. Make them feel comfortable Answer questions, do not present business again. Act like a consultant, play a game of tennis
Your little actions Be positive SMILE Nod your head Get comfortable CONFIDENCE & PASSION IS EVERYTHING!
Awkward Silence What can you do? Serve the ball by asking open ended questions Do you know how this works? Have you tried the products before? Do you have contacts overseas?
If you were to do this business, what will be your main reason for doing it? Why would you want to join our company
The Questions Where does the money come from? How are we compensated? How does it work? Who sells the products?
You Builder Exec pack Exploratory Volume Builder SellerUser SellerBuilderUserBuilder Wholesale consumption Retail consumption6% Plus 14%-20% Executive Bonus Top down Approach
What do I need to do? Registration Exec-Pack Homework/ Goals 2 Hr New Dist Training Take Action
I don’t have the money Distinguish between whether they have no money or they have the money but they don’t want to spend it. If they have a credit card, they have the money. If they have a job, they will get the money on pay day!
Closing Assumed close We can do a private training for you within these two days so that you can start inviting friends down to the BOM next week) or (let me train you how to spend your 5 to 10 hours efficiently to make this business work for you)
Closing I want to think about it…. Of course, I want you to be comfortable. This biz may or may not be for you, but should there be anything that is holding you back from working with us in this global business, we would like to address it right now. We have the answers to your questions. Make it a one step process
Think about it Homework/ Research- Your GWP/ Bio Scan Audio CD/ Try a Lifepak Get the best commitment of the day If we are going to work together as a team, we need to get together within the next 2 days to clarify the parts you don’t understand. What are you doing on xxx?
Stories Sell, Facts tell Tell your own stories, how you started the business etc And other People’s stories…… “3rd Party reference”
Closing Understand that the reason why people don’t join this business is because of FEAR. This is overcome when they can sense your confidence! Answer their objections… and show them that they could do it.
Be in Control Do you have 5-10 hours a week, to be able to make an extra couple of thousand or more, per month? Is $1850 over, a lot to invest in owning your own Business? Are you willing to learn a very successful proven system?
Keep in Short Don’t wear your guest down, keeping them more than one and a half hour after the presentation Don’t try to turn them into an ACE, when they could be just a joker!! Use posture and let them go away so they can see you are serious.
If you can’t convince them, Don’t confuse them