Competitive Overview
Our Customers Financial Services Managed Services Providers HealthcareHealthcare Government /Education InsuranceInsuranceEnergy/UtilitiesEnergy/Utilities
Agenda Competitive Landscape Buyer Profile Sustainable Advantages Why We Win Use Cases Competition Specifics Contact Information
Competitive Considerations Crowded market Similar messages and positioning User requirements dictate competitive opportunities Users understand benefits of monitoring in general Users can be “TOLD” new criteria in emerging markets MonitorIT has competitive advantage in monitoring virtual server and desktop environments.
Competitive Dialogue I use XYZ to monitor ABC, How does your product compare…. “Generally we find that a lot depends on the specific requirements of the customers, but in general users choose us because of: o Functionality Physical and Virtual Environment o Ease of use o Cost If there is something you are not getting from your monitoring product then we can spend a few minutes discussing your specific requirements and how MonitorIT might be able to meet them. Is there a reason to continue speaking?”
Competitive Sales Tips Determine if the prospect is “actually” responsible for monitoring virtual servers or XenApp/XenDesktop – #1 blow off line “We’re fine, we have a monitoring tool” XenApp/Desktop and virtual server admin - usually two different users/sales opportunities All products have certain strengths and the value of the product is determined by the specific criteria of the USER If you are explaining how the product is different than a competitor before identifying actionable pain, you are wasting time If there is no pain or substantial gain, there is no potential sale All pain is related to ease of use, functionality and/or cost
Buyer Profile: Target Persona EnterpriseSMBCloud Position System Admin Virtual Servers Virtual Desktops IT Admin Virtual Servers & Entire Infrastructure System Admin Virtual Servers Virtual Desktops Pain Performance Monitoring and Management of Virtual Servers & VDI Selection Criteria Functionality VM VDI Coexistence Ease of Use Functionality VM VDI Physical Infrastructure Cost Ease of Use Virtual Servers Virtual Desktops Physical Infrastructure Multi-Tenancy Intelligent Agent Cost Note: In general enterprises are looking for platform specific functionality where SMB and cloud providers prefer to consolidate vendors
The Monitoring Market Today Comprehensive Virtual Monitoring Cost of Ownership
Where MonitorIT Fits Virtual OnlyEnterprise Easy to use Monitor virtual environment only Limited support for supporting infrastructure Low cost Expensive Services Intensive Limited support for virtualization Difficult to use Not realistic for companies outside fortune 500. Infrastructure Visibility Gap Comprehensive Virtual Monitoring Fills the Gap Cost Effective Easy to Use Enterprise Functionality Complete support for virtual environment and supporting infrastructure
Why We Win
Cost of Ownership Comprehensive Virtual Monitoring ¼ of the time to get up and running. Less than ½ the cost of the competition. Delivers more than 2x the value because of monitoring and remediation capabilities.
Why We Win – Key Advantages Ease of Use Product Functionality Low Cost
Why We Win – Key Advantages Ease of Use Out of the Box Monitoring Rules XenApp/Desktop VMware Citrix XenServer Physical Servers Applications Customization without programming One product for monitoring, analysis and reporting Auto discovery of physical and virtual inventory Supports Agent and Agentless monitoring Co-Exist with other monitoring/management tools Central dashboard with drill down Customized Reports
Why We Win – Key Advantages Product Functionality Comprehensive virtual infrastructure monitoring One product for VMware, XenServer, Hyper-V Application visibility Management reporting Automated remediation and recovery Advanced alerting and root cause analysis Monitor remote environments The Comprehensive Monitoring Approach Agentless Hypervisor Integration Intelligent Agent Management Console Plug-In Physical Infrastructure
Why We Win – Key Advantages Low Cost Virtual Servers $ per Host $ per Virtual Machine Agent VDI $ per XenApp Server $ per XenDesktop Desktop Delivery $15.00 per Virtual Desktop Agent $ per Provisioning Server Agent Free Basic and Advanced Product Certification No Implementation services or programming necessary Updated 4/19/2013 – Prices subject to change without notice
Why We Win - Enterprise Support for Virtual Environments Large vendors have been slow to adapt virtual server support Their technology is ported from physical solutions and is difficult to use in a virtual environment. Ease of Installation and Configuration These enterprise products were architected decades ago when services were packaged with every sale. They require very skilled people to deploy and maintain. The cost and difficulty of deploying causes gaps in monitoring because companies don’t deploy the technology fully Agents are needed because of the deep metrics collected but most are difficult to deploy, costly and have a heavy resource utilization. MonitorIT Agents are much different (see Intelligent Agent). Cost Their solutions are much more costly per agent ($300/$400 agent) and in terms of ongoing support.
Why We Win – Virtual Server Monitoring Comprehensive Infrastructure Monitoring Agentless-Most virtual only products gather metrics from the hypervisor so there are gaps in visibility since the hypervisor doesn't capture physical infrastructure metrics, nor does it give visibility into the applications that reside on the guests. If you use an agentless solution you need to purchase two or more products. Agent Based-All products that have agents are based on antiquated or limited technology so the agents are resource intensive and difficult to deploy/configure. They are practically unusable on virtual machines. (See Intelligent Agent) Plug-in to XenCenter / vCenter / Enterprise Management Portals One product for VMware/XenServer/Hyper-V Cost Cost-At $ per host it is about half of most competitors
Why We Win – Network Monitoring In Virtual Environments: Most virtual server monitoring solutions do not monitor the network which can impact the performance of the virtual environment. In Physical Environments: Cost: Many products are priced per port/element while MonitorIT is priced per device. There may be as many as 128 ports on a Cisco switch and MonitorIT is priced at $75 per device Some products may collect more information from devices or have specific integrations. MonitorIT may collect enough information and offer enough functionality to satisfy the customer for the price. This depends on their specific requirements.
Why We Win – XenApp/XenDesktop XenApp & XenDesktop and the surrounding infrastructure from one central view Complete Visibility Most products do not monitor the physical infrastructure, virtual environment, network and XenApp/XenDesktop key components. Intelligent Agents Many technologies are agent based and are very difficult to deploy, expensive to maintain and consume resources. Ease of use Most products are very difficult to deploy and use therefore, they aren't utilized Cost Monitor IT is literally a fraction of the cost of other products
Why We Win – Intelligent Agents Data and Control without the Overhead Push to Deploy Deep Application Level Metrics No Programming No Reboot To Update 0.1% CPU / <16MB Memory Facilitate/Automate Fix Actions Master Agent Remote Monitoring
MonitorIT Agents - Deployment Key Features Auto deploy/detect No Reboot Necessary Remote Monitoring – no proxy required Auto Deploy/Discover VM1 Physical Server VDI Session Agent XenApp AppOS AppOS AppOS AppOS Agent
VM1 Physical Server VDI Session Agent XenApp AppOS AppOS AppOS AppOS Agent MonitorIT Agents - Monitoring Key Features 0.1% CPU/ <16MB Memory Small footprint ~ 1MB in size VMs XenApp Physical Servers VDI Sessions Applications Data Relay Back to MonitorIT
VM1 Physical Server VDI Session Agent XenApp AppOS AppOS AppOS AppOS Agent MonitorIT Agents - Remediation Key Features Set custom thresholds for alerting and script execution Automate fix actions Built in scripts for fixing many common issues. Build custom for your specific needs Customizable alerts and thresholds VMs XenApp Physical Servers VDI Sessions Applications Preconfigured or custom script ALERT!!
Why We Win – Intelligent Agents What your missing without an intelligent agent: Resource utilization Operating systems Compliance and audit Remediation Infrastructure data Remote monitoring capabilities
Product Kill Points
Competitive Landscape Enterprise Frameworks CA HP Compuware BMC IBM Virtual Only vKernel eG Innovations VMTurbo Veeam vFoglight VDI Lakeside eG Innovations EdgeSight Liquidware Labs Networks/Physical Spiceworks SolarWinds PRTG Nagios Zabbix What’s Up Gold Support Virtual Infrastructure Ease of Use Cost Initial Ongoing Virtual Infrastructure Applications Multi-Hypervisor vCenter/XenCen ter Plugin Ease of Use Cost Physical Infrastructure Cost Platform Coverage Ease of Use Flexibility Ease of Use Cost Supporting Infrastructure Real Time Analysis
Agentless Issues Application Visibility: Limited to vendor support or use custom API Fix Actions/Remediation: Can not take action on alert notifications Element specific functionality: Need multiple products to monitor whole IT environment Recommendations: Can not tell root cause of issue so must suggest Alerting: Delay in alerting so not real time Remote Site Monitoring: Need two instances of product or proxy server Syslog/Event Log: No support for compliance monitoring
Agentless vs. Agent Based Veeam VMTurbo PRTG VMware Ops vKernal SolarWinds Agentless Nimsoft eG Innovations HP/CA/IBM Nagios What’s Up Gold N-able EdgeSight Agent Based
Agentless Issues Application Visibility: Limited to vendor support or use custom API Fix Actions/Remediation: Can not take action on alert notifications Element specific functionality: Need multiple products to monitor whole IT environment Recommendations: Can not tell root cause of issue so must suggest Alerting: Delay in alerting so not real time Remote Site Monitoring: Need two instances of product or proxy server Syslog/Event Log: No support for compliance monitoring
Agent Issues Antiquated Agent Architecture: High CPU and memory utilization, so can not be deployed in virtual environment Programming Required for Deployment & Use: Implementation is costly and slow Difficult to Use & Maintain: Consulting required to deploy and maintain
Agentless vs. Agent Based Veeam VMTurbo PRTG VMware Ops vKernal SolarWinds Agentless Nimsoft eG Innovations HP/CA/IBM Nagios What’s Up Gold N-able EdgeSight Agent Based Agentless & Agent Based Intelligent Agents Minutes to Deploy Customizable dashboards and charts Entire Physical & Virtual Environment Proactive remediation No Consulting & Implementation Services
Competitive Kill Points
VMTurbo Agentless -Inaccurate root cause analysis and remediation suggestions -High Cost -No agents -Limited app visibility -No remediation -Limited drill down capabilities -Application monitoring through WMI calls only. N-able Agent Based -No XenApp/XenDesktop support -No XenServer support -Frequent alert storms -Complex remote management requiring hardware -High Cost -Very services intensive
Competitive Kill Points
Nimsoft Agent Based -No XenApp/XenDesktop support -Multiple products needed for similar functionality -Limited product support and documentation -Complex remote management requiring hardware -Very High Cost -Acquired by CA and buried in their product portfolio EdgeSight Agent Based -Limited to XenApp end-user performance data and no visibility into supporting infrastructure -Multiple products needed for similar functionality -Agents “I/O Killer” -Limited Reporting -Free with Enterprise and Platinum XenDesktop *Note: MIT can co-exist by sending and receiving data to EdgeSight
Competitive Kill Points Zenoss Agent Based -More engineered towards VMs and Servers -Doesn’t have a ZenPak for XenServer -No plug-in to XenCenter -No easy remediation functionality -Difficult to set up -No auto discovery of inventory -Enterprise version is expensive -Difficult to monitor the entire stack from a single view -Gives too much useless info and its hard to use which makes it impractical Prone to annoying alert storms Manage Engine Agent Based -Expensive -Need 3 products (Ops, Apps and IT) to get full value of the product -No support for XenApp/XenDesktop
Competitive Kill Points Uptime Agent Based -More engineered towards VMs and Servers -Doesn’t have a XenPak for XenServer -No plug-in to XenCenter -No easy remediation functionality -Difficult to set up -No auto discovery of inventory -Enterprise version is expensive -Difficult to monitor the entire stack from a single view -Gives too much useless info and its hard to use which makes it impractical -Prone to annoying alert storms ExtraHop Agentless -Limited XenApp support through agentless approach -No remediation capabilities -Limited support for Vmware -No VMware or Citrix hypervisor support -No vCenter or XenCenter plugin -No remote monitoring capabilities.