MOTIVATION Anomaly and event (change-point) detection, is the building block for many applications: Cyber warfare Network intrusion Epidemic outbreaks Fault detection in engineering systems The US Geological survey (USGS), as per this BBC report, is trawling the tweets for keywords like quake and earthquake to detect earthquakes to an extent , but mostly to gauge its impact and to know the severity in different geographic areas. As you can see, people break up less during the summer, and more during the Winter and Spring. * A big peak right before Spring Break * Most breakups are announced on Mondays * People like to start the summer being single * A big peak right before Christmas * The lowest day throughout the whole year is Christmas Day
DATA DESCRIPTION Texting interactions of mobile phone users from a phone service company in a large city in India who-texts-whom network edge-weighted: #SMS >2 million customers 50 million SMS interactions Dec. 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008
PROBLEM STATEMENT Given a graph that changes over time, can we identify: 1) “change detection”: time points at which many of the N nodes change their behavior significantly? 2) “attribution”: top k nodes which contribute to the change in behavior the most?
PROBLEM STATEMENT Two main considerations: N is very large (on the order of 106) monitoring each node independently is not practical. “Anomaly” is defined in a collective setting a time-point/node is anomalous if different than “others”
OVERVIEW OF OUR METHOD Extract features for nodes Derive the typical behavior (“eigen-behavior”) of nodes Compare “eigenbehavior”s over time
FEATURE EXTRACTION Extract features from egonets for all nodes Indegree/outdegree Inweight/outweight Number of neighbors Number of edges Reciprocal degree …
DATA IN 3-D Nodes (>2 million) Features (12) Time (183 days)
OVERVIEW OF OUR METHOD Extract features for nodes Derive the typical behavior (“eigen-behavior”) of nodes Compare “eigenbehavior”s over time
DERIVING “EIGEN-BEHAVIOR” T N N T F W T N N F:inweight principal eigenvector “typical behavior” “eigen-behavior” active node high score e.g. nodes 1, 2, 6
OVERVIEW OF OUR METHOD Extract features for nodes Derive the typical behavior (“eigen-behavior”) of nodes Compare “eigenbehavior”s over time
TRACKING “BEHAVIOR” OVER TIME F W W T N N F:inweight past pattern change metric: angle θ eigen-behavior at t eigen-behaviors
DETECTED CHANGE POINTS EXPERIMENTS F:inweight Christian New Year Hindi New Year “back to work”
DETECTED CHANGE POINTS EXPERIMENTS F: out-degree F: reciprocal degree Similar behavior for other features
PROBLEM STATEMENT Given a graph that changes over time, can we identify: 1) “change detection”: time points at which many of the N nodes change their behavior significantly? 2) “attribution”: top k nodes which contribute to the change in behavior the most?
ATTRIBUTING CHANGE TO NODES EXPERIMENTS F:inweight DEC 26 r(t-1) no change zone u(t)
ATTRIBUTING CHANGE TO NODES EXPERIMENTS 26 DEC 26 DEC #SMS received Not time (days) Time series of top 5 nodes marked
ATTRIBUTING CHANGE TO NODES EXPERIMENTS JAN 2 “back to work” reciprocal degree time (days)
CONCLUSION An algorithm based on tracking “eigenbehavior” patterns over time “change detection”: spot time-points at which “behavior” changes significantly “attribution”: spot nodes that cause the most change Experiments: on real, SMS messages, 2M users, over 6 months
THANK YOU www.cs.cmu.edu/~lakoglu Email: lakoglu@cs.cmu.edu Christian New Year “back to work” Hindi New Year 26 DEC change detection attribution