Authors: B. Sc. Stanislava Stanković, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade B. Sc. Marko Stanković, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade ProSense special section, TELFOR 2008.
ProSense special section, TELFOR Introduction Life – getting too fast People – getting mobile + City – getting “alive” Via Streets – getting able to offer information Fun & useful
ProSense special section, TELFOR Introduction - New approach to city monitoring - “Alive street” concept - People take part in the new system taking from the environment as much data as they can get + People, by using cell phones, provide the environment with information (spontaneous service payment)
ProSense special section, TELFOR Similar Projects SensorScope - This system is composed of multiple sensing stations which communicate wirelessly, constituting a sensor network. The sensing stations measure environmental data such as air temperature, humidity, surface temperature, incoming solar radiation, wind speed and direction, precipitation, soil water content, and soil water suction. Urban Sensing CitySense
ProSense special section, TELFOR ISS Solution Previous projects develop large-scale distributed environmental measurement systems centered on WSNs ISS app proposes small-scale system installed in the street Main approach: “Problem solving should firstly start at your own yard!” In the future (Internet of Things), street concept moving towards the whole city IoT
ProSense special section, TELFOR ISS Solution - Street monitoring - Microcontrollers & Sensors - Video tracking (not precisely) - Different parameters: temperature humidity noise CO2 CO (“Silent Killer”)
ProSense special section, TELFOR Architecture Analysis Nodes Cell phone Bluetooth Base station USB IEEE Server component Internet
ProSense special section, TELFOR Architecture Analysis Present architecture: Street (covered with leaves ) + People, walking and carrying cell phones Improved architecture: Microcontrollers equipped with sensors + Microcontrollers - Bluetooth enabled
ProSense special section, TELFOR Implementation plan Java (Squawk VM) vs. NesC (TinyOS) - Server app - Sensor Node app (Sun SPOTs vs. SHIMMER) - Base station app - Mobile phone app
ProSense special section, TELFOR Future Concern More effort is necessary in order to resolve problems in system implementation Present problems and solutions (in case of Sun SPOTs): - Node power supplying (limited battery life) For now, we have in mind to put SPOTs on fixed power supply, by using AC-USB adapters, for solving the limited battery problem. Different solution is possible in the future. - Number of sensors on a single node may be increased in the future. These issues are money dependent.
ProSense special section, TELFOR Future Concern Presence - Equipment purchasing phase - Delivery issues - Time issues HW implies the necessary SW (Java vs. NesC)
ProSense special section, TELFOR Conclusion - ISS system as basic infrastructure - Small scale WSN - Good enhancement capabilities (on the city level) - Good adaptation capabilities for indoor monitoring (houses, hotels, workplaces)
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