Bob Jones Technical Director CERN - August 2003 EGEE is proposed as a project to be funded by the European Union under contract IST
2 EGEE Goal & Strategy Goal: Create a wide European Grid Infrastructure for the support of research in all scientific area, built on top of present and future EU RN infrastructure Strategy: Leverage current and planned national and regional Grid programmes Build on EU and EU member states major investments in Grid Technology Work closely with relevant industrial Grid developers, NRENs and US-AP projects Exploit International connections (US and AP) Take advantage of pioneering prototype results
3 Why EGEE? Impact on Society Access to a production quality grid will change the way science and business is done in Europe An international network of scientist will be able to model a new flood of the Danube in real time, using meteorological and geological data from several centres across Europe A team of engineering students will be able to run the latest 3D rendering programs from their laptops using the Grid A geneticist at a conference, inspired by a talk she hears, will be able to launch a complex biomolecular simulation from her mobile phone
4 Why EGEE? The political context Current Grid R&D projects run out within few months The EGEE partners have already made major progress in aligning national and regional Grid R&D efforts, in preparation for EGEE EGEE will preserve the current strong momentum of the European Grid community, and the enthusiasm of the hundreds of young European researchers already involved in EU Grid projects (>150 in EDG only)
5 Why EGEE? The historical analogy Prior to EU Geant program,there was in Europe a multitude of exploratory projects in networking technology. Geant was truly production oriented, and brought European telecom operators actively into the picture In a similar way, EGEE can ensure preservation of current investments in European Grid R&D, extending the present infrastructure and focussing all activities towards establishing a production quality Grid
6 EGEE Partner Federations Integrate regional Grid efforts Represent leading grid activities in Europe
7 EGEE Activity Areas Services Deliver “production level” grid services (manageable, robust, resilient to failure) Ensure security and scalability Middleware Professional Grid middleware re-engineering activity in support of the production services Networking Proactively market Grid services to new research communities in academia and industry Provide necessary education
8 EGEE Service Activity Create, operate, support and manage a production quality infrastructure Structure: EGEE Operations Management at CERN EGEE Core Infrastructure Centres in the UK, France, Italy, Germany and CERN (leveraging LCG at the start), responsible for managing the overall Grid infrastructure Regional Operations Centres, responsible for coordinating regional resources, regional deployment and support of services in all other countries Offered services: Middleware deployment and installation Software and documentation repository Grid monitoring and problem tracking Bug reporting and knowledge database VO services Grid management services
9 EGEE Networking Activity Dissemination and outreach User training and induction Application identification and support Two pilot application centers (for high energy physics and biomedical grids) One more generic component dealing with longer term recruitment and support of other communities Policy and International cooperation rely on a supporting network in the partner regions
10 EGEE Middleware Activity Hardening and re-engineering of existing middleware functionality, leveraging the experience of partners Activity concentrated in few major centers Key services: Resource Access Data Management Information Collection and Accounting Resource Brokering (Italy) Quality Assurance Grid Security Middleware Integration Middleware Testing
11 EGEE & Industry Industrial participation encouraged both as potential end-users and IT technology and service suppliers Normally through national and regional Grid EGEE federations EGEE will maintain an Industry Forum to keep selected Industrial and Commercial interested parties in close contact Services developed in first EGEE 2 years phase (2004-5) might be tendered to Industry in second phase (2006-7)
12 EGEE Timeline May 2003: proposal submitted July 2003: proposal accepted September 2003: start negotiation April 2004: start project
13 Conclusions The EU DataGrid project has successfully fulfilled its role of EU Grid flagship project in collaboration with several other EU and international projects Essential to keep the momentum and the current lead in production Grids in Europe Important to build an international cooperation between European and US/AP Grid infrastructure projects The scientific user communities are already international (HEP is an excellent example) and so the computing resources and most of the experimental instruments EGEE proposes the right framework and plans to accomplish the above objectives