Endnote web for business students Magnus Olsson, Umeå university library Tel Web page:
What is Endnote web? A web-based software package where you can save and manage your references Endnote web can be linked to Microsoft word to create automatic references (citations) and reference lists, according to citation system of your choice
Some databases where you can import references into Endnote web Swedish national library (Libris) Business Source Premier Google scholar
Endnote web toolbar Toolbar to be installed in your web browser (Internet explorer or Firefox). adInstallers& adInstallers&
More information about Endnote web
Reference systems USBE uses APA system for referencing: thesis-writing.pdfhttp:// thesis-writing.pdf
How do I avoid cheating and plagiarism? Follow the teacher’s instructions! Others´texts. It must be clear as to what are your own ideas and wording and what you have taken from other places. plagiat-2010.pdfhttp:// plagiat-2010.pdf