Lesson 27: The Crusades A time for rejoicing or a time for repentance?
“There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet”
I. Attack of the Franks ( /44) II. Islamic counterattack ( ) III. Western (Latin) futile counterattacks ( ) Why did people do this? Concern to honor Christ Recovery of the Holy Lands Penitential Pilgrimage I have something else to say which ought to move a Christian man’s heart, however hard it is. Our king [Jesus] is accused of treachery; it is said of him [by the Muslims] that he is not God, but that he falsely pretended to be something he was not. Any man among you who is his vassal ought to rise up to defend his lord from the infamous accusation of treachery; he should go to the sure fight, where to win will be glorious, and where to die will be gain. Why are you delaying, servants of the cross, why are you deceiving yourselves, you who have great physical strength and many worldly goods? Take the sign of the cross and the supreme pontiff, the vicar of him to whom it was said, Whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven, offers you this full indulgence of all the crimes you confess with contrite hearts. Take the gift that is offered to you and race one another to be the first to take advantage of the irrecoverable opportunity of the indulgence. I ask you and advise you not to want to put your own business before the business of Christ.
Reuniting the two halves of Christianity Personal salvation “The sins of those that set out thither, if they lose their lives shall be remitted in that hour” Pope Urban II Ambition, adventure; let’s do something different Children’s Crusade 1212
I. The first crusade ( ) II. Second Crusade ( ) III. Third Crusade ( ) IV. Fourth Crusade ( ) V. Fifth Crusade ( ) VII ( ) & VII (1270)
NEGATIVE RESULTS OF THE CRUSADES A Long Legacy of Bitterness Jews Eastern Orthodox Muslims
Missions to Muslims St. Francis of Assisi ( ) Raymond Lull ( ) “Men are wont to die, O Lord, from old age…but thus, if it be your will, your servant would prefer to die in the glow of love”