Science, research and development European Commission IDARI Project Meeting Tartu, June 2005 Martin Greimel Scientific Officer Directorate-E ‘Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Research’ European Commission Research Directorate-General
Science, research and development European Commission Scientific Officer Evaluation of proposals Contract negotiation Project management and monitoring Specific tasks on Unit level Interservice consultation, reports Cost Technical Committee Preparation of FP7 Organisation of Workshops, conferences, etc.
Science, research and development European Commission Periodic Reports Please obey strictly the forms outlined in the Guidelines for drawing up Reports!!!! Guidelines for reports Project progress summary Progress report based on the technical annex Summary with discussion Description of workpackages Role of participants Cost Statements
Science, research and development European Commission Final Report Final summary Final progress report Introduction Material and methods Results Discussion and conclusions Exploitation and dissemination of results Policy related benefits Literature cited Technological Implementation Plan Guidelines for reports
Science, research and development European Commission Cost Statements Contractors including Coordinator Cost statement in national currency and euro (form E-1) Coordinator Integrated cost statement for the whole project in euro (form E-2) Summary statement of amounts transferred to contractors in euro (form E-3) Article 4(2) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Cost Basis Full costs Commission contribution of up to 50% of eligible costs Actual overheads declared If the accounting system of the organisation allows it Full costs with fixed overheads Commission contribution of up to 50% of eligible costs Overheads fixed at 80% of personnel costs If the accounting system of the organisation allows it Additional costs Commission contribution of 100% of additional eligible costs Overheads limited to 20% of eligible costs (excluding subcontracts) Articles 22(1-2) and 24 of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Eligible Direct Costs Personnel Durable equipment Subcontracting Travel and subsistence Consumables and Computing Protection of knowledge Other specific costs Administrative and financial coordination Article 23 of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Personnel Costs Full cost contractors Actual employment costs or Average employment costs Of all personnel working on the contract Additional cost contractors Actual employment costs under –Temporary contracts for Community RTD projects –Temporary contracts for doctorates –Contracts dependent upon external funding No permanent staff Article 23(1) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Durable Equipment Article 23(2) of Annex II period of equipment use in project (in months) 60 months depreciation period (36 for computers) cost of equipment percentage of usage of equipment on the project xx Example: 36 months 60 months euro100 % = euro x x Formula:
Science, research and development European Commission Subcontracting A third party working directly for a principal contractor or and assistant contractor by providing services, supplies or goods Only technical contribution, at no costs for the subcontractor Copies of the relevant invoices have to be attached to the cost statements Costs must be in accordance with market prices Articles 1(8-9) and 23(3) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Protection of Knowledge Eligible only if the Commission has given its prior written approval Including Costs of documentary research Fees paid to authorities with a view to granting Fees paid to advisers –only with subsequent filing of the application –max Euro per IPR Excluding Translation costs Costs to obtain access rights Article 23(7) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Other Categories of Direct Costs (1) Travel and subsistence For personnel working on the project Prior written approval required if outside EU or Associated States Consumables Including software licenses May be included in overheads for full cost contractors Computing May be included in overheads for full cost contractors Article 23(4,5,6) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Other Categories of Direct Costs (2) Administrative and financial coordination Limited to the coordinator All cost categories except subcontracting Other specific costs Prototypes or equipment fabricated Use of large testing equipment and simulators Costs for setting up financial guarantees requested by the Commission Article 23(8,9) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Eligible Indirect Costs (Overhead Costs) Full cost contractors To be calculated in accordance with normal accounting conventions of the company If accepted by the Commission Full cost flat rate contractors Up to 80% of the eligible personnel costs Additional cost contractors Up to 20% of the direct costs excluding subcontracting Article 24 of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission Transfer of Costs Transfer between contractors If agreed by each of the contractors, and If not more than 20% of the allocated amount Except costs for protection of knowledge Transfer between categories of cost within the budget of one contractor If not more than 20% of the allocated amount Except costs for protection of knowledge Any other cases only on prior written approval by the Commission (incl. reallocation to cost categories not negotiated in the TA) Article 22(5) of Annex II
Science, research and development European Commission General Guidelines Coordinator is responsible for submission of reports and contact with Commission Report and cost statements each 12 months Plenary meetings each 6 or 12 months Keep Euro accounts Keep good records of expenditure (audits) Make the project known
Science, research and development European Commission Contacts with the Commission Request permission for Inform about Ask advice substantial changes to budget allocation or technical annex extension in time travel outside EU delays changes of addresses and phone numbers patent applications under-performing partners when contract amendments are necessary