Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Web


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Presentation transcript:

Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan Web

CERP Web –Official Public Web for CERP Team Administered Co-Managed –SFWMD (Bob Brown) –USACE (Art Bennett)

Purpose of the Web Promote Concepts, Principles & Goals of CERP Outreach Mechanism Technical Documentation Feedback Mechanism CERP Calendars How? –Provides a View of Complete Program Through Information Exchange

It’s Your Web Open Door –Stakeholders –Team Members –Public

Programmatic Documents

Programmatic Documents Draft & Final Project Management Plans Design Agreements Programmatic Regulations Design Coordination Team Meeting Minutes RECOVER Team Products Master Implementation Schedule Project & Studies –Meeting Minutes –Various Team Products –Monthly Project Status Reports

Monthly Progress Reports

Monthly Progress Reports Monthly Progress Reports Monthly Progress Reports CGM #001.00

Guidance Memorandum “Web Management” CGM # (draft) Establishes Protocols –Defines Purpose of the Web –Roles and Responsibilities –Content Management

Guidance Memorandum “Web Management” Content Management –Content Guidelines –Change Request Type of Change Format of Request

Guidance Memorandum “Web Management” Type of Change –General Page Edit –Simple Text / Link –Graphical –Link to a new Document –A New Application That Will Be Served Up Through the CERP Web –Complete New Content Area

Guidance Memorandum “Web Management” Format of Request –Name –Agency –Description –Location of Change –Suspense –Files

Guidance Memorandum “Web Management” Submit Change Request To –Art Bennett (Web Administrator) All Other Site Changes Should be Accomplished by Content Area Coordinators

Guidance Memorandum “Web Management” Calendar Maintenance –Web Calendar CGM # –Amanda Ellison Management Assignments & Content Area Coordinators Names, s, & Phone Numbers - Separate Handout

Planned Improvements New Site Layout –Improved Navigation –New Look

Planned Improvements Improve Spanish Content Increase Distributed Content Management & Tools List Server Programmatic Database Reporting Collaborative Work Environment Calendars

Summary CGM # 6 – Web Management CGM # 9 – Calendar Management Contacts: –Art Bennett (Web Administrator) –Bob Brown Questions