The Legal Agreements of the National Geospatial Digital Archive Julie Sweetkind-Singer Stanford University NDIIPP National Conference, Washington, DC June 25, 2009
Necessary Contracts Content Provider Agreement Content Collection Node Agreement Procedure Manual 2
Content Provider Agreement Rights and responsibilities: depositors and node collectors. Acquisition of content under copyright or license. Three main parts: Main body Exhibit A Exhibit B Created jointly by UCSB and SU to be used by either node with the ability to modify part of the contract as necessary. 3
Main Body of the CPA Grant of license. “Content Provider hereby grants to Custodians a paid-up, non-exclusive, world-wide, transferable license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, perform publicly, display publicly, digitally transmit and otherwise use the Licensed Materials at no cost in any media now known or hereinafter created in accordance with the terms of Agreement.” Ability to share content between the nodes. Violation of copyright provisions. Bound by Exhibit B or substantially similar. Termination of the Agreement. 4
Exhibit A Identification and description of the Content to be deposited. Scope, number of files, format types, metadata, rights. Transmission of data. End use of the collection. Communication between the Depositor and the Node. 5
Exhibit B Overview Three sections: Authorized users Authorized uses Management of the licensed materials Drafted with assistance from lawyers at Stanford and UCSB. Create a document acceptable to both a public and a private university. Essential provisions had to go into this section in order for existing and future nodes to be able to share content across the collecting network. 6
Exhibit B: Users, Uses and Rights Authorized users: Faculty, students, staff, etc., of any holder of NGDA content; walk-in patrons; Library of Congress; general public Authorized uses: Use allowed under copyright law; research; copies for preservation; course packets; sharing amongst scholars; metadata publicly available. Rights: Provisions for copyright infringement; removal of content; following standards for preservation; credit to the copyright/license holder. 7
Content Collection Node Agreement Agreement across nodes as to the standards by which materials are managed. Two-part document Node agreement : structured Procedure manual: more flexible 8
Node Agreement Specifies the expectations and obligations for participation in the NGDA as a content collector. Four main features of a content collection node: Collection development policy. Institutional mandate to collect. Backing from its parent institution of preserve content. Agreement to archive content. Requires the creation of a depositor agreement for licensed or copyrighted materials. Agreement must be in writing. 9
Governance Structure / Meetings Governance structure During the life of the Cooperative Agreement. As more nodes join (currently there are the original two). More than 5 nodes are members. Meet yearly to discuss Acquisition/removal of content Operating procedures Adding/removing nodes Changes to procedure manual 10
Removal of Content Termination of a Node Removal of content Will anyone else take it? Not as current (elevation data) Size of the dataset (limitations on storage) Updated information desired Copyright violations. Termination of a node No longer desire to be a member of the NGDA. Violation of use clauses in Exhibit B, CPA or Node Agreement. 11
Procedure Manual Working document designed to change with the needs of the members. Reviewed on a yearly basis. Includes: Meeting specifics Guidelines for identification of new nodes with geographic dispersion across the country. Vetting of new nodes. When a node leaves. Awareness of overall collecting scope and when major new collections are accessioned. 12
Conclusion Stanford has taken in copyrighted content and has a signed agreement. UCSB all public domain. Both campus legal counsels are reviewing the final node agreement for signatures. SU and UCSB are gearing up efforts to identify new partners during the final phase of the cooperative agreement. How will the agreements stand up as new nodes are added? Look to bring in new partners in early
More Information Julie Sweetkind-Singer National Geospatial Digital Archive 14