Simple Harmonic Motion S.H.M.
Simple harmonic motion is very common in nature. A mass suspended on a spring, the end of a vibrating tuning fork, a cork bobbing up and down on a wave all follow the same rules of motion. The rules of this type of motion are closely related to the rules of circular motion, WHY? See other presentation
time displacement The point sweeps out a circle in uniform circular motion. The projection of this on the y axis on th eleft of the circle represents the track of a particle in s.h.m. On the left the displacement time graph is produced by the same motion. This is why s.h.m and uniform circular motion are closely related.
S.H.M. Compare s.h.m. and circular motion. What do we mean by the period in s.h.m. What do we understand by the frequency of the motion? Write down a formula that will relate the period to the frequency in s.h.m. motion.
S.H.M. Examine the motion of a mass bobbing on a spring about its equilibrium position (its rest position): how can we describe its motion when the mass is a) at the equilibrium position, b) above the equilibrium position? c) below the equilibrium position?
A body in shm Displacement =0 Centre of motion Displacement =max Velocity = max Velocity = 0 Acceleration = 0 Acceleration = max The body is always accelerating towards the centre of the motion (except at the centre of the motion where the acceleration is zero). Acceleration = max
Acceleration displacement and velocity for a body in shm
These equations for displacement, velocity and acceleration are not all of the same form as the last two (velocity and acceleration) are represented as functions of displacement (x) rather than time (t).