Community PanFlu Planning : Faith-Based/Community- Based Organizations
Objectives Review PanFlu Planning Checklist Facilitate development of your Internal Disaster Plan: Planning and Coordination Organizational Operations Infection Control Communications
Pandemic Flu Checklist Specific to each organization Used in conjunction with guidance from HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan Can be adapted to meet unique needs of each organization
Establishing a Planning Structure PanFlu Committee PanFlu Coordinator Point of Contact Written Plan
Continuity of Operations Develop alternative procedures for worship/operations in event of social distancing Telephone trees (prayer chains) Small groups Develop plan for essential office functions Payroll Cross-training of staff/volunteers Ongoing communication with clients, families, and staff
Infection Control Educate staff, congregations and families on how to limit spread of infection Implement infection control policies and procedures Provide sufficient infection prevention supplies Establish sick leave policies (strictly excluding the sick until at least one week from onset of symptoms) Encourage staff and others to get annual influenza vaccine
Communications Planning Assess readiness to meet communication plans Develop a process in which to communicate with staff, clients, and families Develop and test communication platforms (phone trees, hotlines, websites, media) Develop alternative communication systems- layered mechanisms
Communication Planning Advise staff, clients, and families where to locate up-to-date and reliable pandemic info Disseminate pandemic plan and infection control info Keep staff, clients, and families contact info current Develop and maintain contact info of key public health stakeholders
Attending Other Meetings… Business Meeting: June 13, 7:30 am- Auditorium Internal Disaster/Continuity of Operations planning Occupational Health planning
WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU Volunteer Support (if needed) Information on Services