W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 Poetry Burnout 1.Speed Writing 2.Pre-assessment oDefining “poetry” oIntegrating poetry devices AA 1.Speed Writing 2.Group poetry def 3.Found Poem Poetry Defs TOPIC: Poetry Defs Generate, Synthesize LEVEL: Generate, Synthesize
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 Common Core STANDARDS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L a Interpret figures of speech in context and analyze their role in the text.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L a
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 SPEED Writing 1.Should students be required to study and learn about poetry in high school? Explain. Should they be required to write poetry? Why or why not? 2.Answer this: What is poetry?
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 Pre-assessment! LMG 1. WHAT IS POETRY?! With your group... write a definition or description on a square. Your group’s definition or description must include each of the following... a metaphor or simile an image a sound device
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 What is poetry? Maria, Iris, Jose Poetry is words expressing emotions and feelings. Maria, Iris, Jose Poetry is words expressing emotions and feelings.
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 What is poetry? Joy, Brittany, A.J. Poetry is... The way you feel, think, believe in words. It is used to impress a girl sometimes. Guys write poems for girls to express their love for them. Joy, Brittany, A.J. Poetry is... The way you feel, think, believe in words. It is used to impress a girl sometimes. Guys write poems for girls to express their love for them.
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 What is poetry? Kyle, Jessica, David Poetry is a way to describe how you feel. Poetry is the way of speaking from the great depths of our hearts and souls. Poetry is a type of dance style except described from the inside of our souls. Kyle, Jessica, David Poetry is a way to describe how you feel. Poetry is the way of speaking from the great depths of our hearts and souls. Poetry is a type of dance style except described from the inside of our souls.
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 What is poetry? Austin, Matt, Aubrie Poetry makes me glad Sometimes makes me sad Every stanza doesn’t need detail Good poems bring in lots of retail.... They can be about times of need Or times you were tempted to breed. Without poetry I would be such a loner Just thinking of it could give me a... chill.
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 What is poetry? Niki, Sarah, Sean Poetry is an expression of your emotions. It’s your thoughts in motion. A story of your imagination. A sense of knowing yourself inside and out. It’s a dance in one’s hand of feelings, no matter what they may be. Niki, Sarah, Sean Poetry is an expression of your emotions. It’s your thoughts in motion. A story of your imagination. A sense of knowing yourself inside and out. It’s a dance in one’s hand of feelings, no matter what they may be.
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 Pre-assessment! LMG 1. WHAT IS POETRY?! With your group... write a definition or description on a square. Your group’s definition or description must include each of the following... a metaphor or simile an image a sound device
W—P1W—P2W—P3W—P4W—P5W—P6R—P1R—P2R—P3R—P4R—P5 Pre-assessment! LMG 2.In your workspace... Look through the magazine and find three sentences or phrases you like. Write them down. (3 min.) Look through the textbook and find two sentences or phrases you like. (2 min.) Look through the novel (or other not-textbook) and find one phrase or sentence you like. (1 min.) With your group, assemble some or all of the lines into a poem. Your poem must include... a metaphor or simile an image a sound device an implied narrative a theme Write the final version of the poem on your poster paper. Use the whole space. Add design elements.