Strategic communication model Analyze the environment (target audience, your objectives) Consider your options (how, by whom and when message should be sent) Select and organise your information in accordance with the results of the previous Deliver your message with a confident, personal style Evaluate feedback for continued growth and success
Analyze the environment Define the situation Define your audience (identify all potential audiences, learn about each audience) Define your objectives with each audience
Define the situation Limit the problem (as you see and can best present it) Assess the external climate (issues that are affecting the audience now) Evaluate the local culture (level of formality, dress code, flat versus hierarchical structure)
Learn about each audience Gather personal and professional facts (primary actual audience and hidden powerful and decision making audience, e.g. your boss) Beware of attitudes: you, your topic, being there (appearance and non-verbal behaviour) Determine their wants over your needs Recognise their consistent concerns, adjust your subject to their professional interests
Define your objectives Overall goal from mission statement of your organisation Specific purpose of the communication (what do you want you presnetation to accomplish) Your hidden agenda (personal goals)
Consider your options Media:how the message is sent (written, spoken, visuals?) Source: who delivers the message, an individual? Team? Timing: when the message arrives
Select and organise the information Review situation, audience, objective analyses Plan a beginning, middle, end Focus on personal benefit Limit your information Enhance with visual aids, numbers, examples
Basic outline Introduction: attention grabber (Joke? Story? Picture? Question?), purpose, agenda, benefit Body Conclusion: summary, specific action, final statement
Patterns of presentation Decision-making pattern Bad news pattern STARR pattern Pros and cons Chronological order Current situation versus proposed situation
Decision making pattern Define and limit problem Establish checklist of criteria Identify possible solutions Evaluate solutions, based on criteria Select best option Discuss implementation
Bad News pattern Cushion audience Bridge your transition Deliver bad news Explain reasons Suggest alternatives Rebuild good will
STARR pattern Define situation Describe your task Explain the action you took Show your results Offer recommendations
Match visuals to the words Good visuals aids are Appropriate Clear Consistent Dynamic
Deliver your message Polish your verbal and non-verbal skills Know your material Express confidence Be yourself
Polish your verbal skills Speak clearly Pronunciation Articulation Volume Pitch Speak expressively Emphasis Pace Timing
Polish your nonverbal skills Dress professionally Exhibit physical control (face, hands, feet, space) Above all else be enthusiastic
Know your material Practice your presentation Use notes with discretion Manage visual aids smoothly Handle questions succintly (answer the question, offer one piece of support, stop)
Express confidence In your argument In your organisation In yourself (anti-anxiety techniques, delivery tricks) In the inevitable disaster
Be yourself You are the expert You are the one who was asked to speak
Evaluate feedback Give feedback Solicit feedback Receive feedback Evaluate yourself: the Credibility test
Giving feedback Describe something positive Express constructive criticism in terms of ‘I’ Give a specific example Offer an option for asolution Close with a positive statement
Soliciting feedback Identify people you trust Ask them in advance to evaluate you Articulate specific issues
Receiving feedback Develop receptive attitudes Listen carefully Ask for specifics Accept responsibility Correct without overcasting Find the truth in perception Say ‘thank you’
Evaluating yourself: The Credibility test Goodwill: focus and concern of the audience Expertise:knowledge, education, and experience (include information about your experience) Power: status, prestige, and success (mention your accomplishments) Confidence:verbal and non-verbal communication of how sure you are of yourself
You will be successful Analyze the environment Consider your options Select and organise your information Deliver your message Solicit and evaluate feedback for continued growth