Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins. Seven slick slimy snakes slowly sliding southward
Do you know what word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it? You think there is no answer to that question. Can you make a word shorter if you add two letters to it? You are sure, you can't. But you can.
Add er to the word short. It becomes shorter.
Adjectives. degrees of comparison PositiveComparativeSuperlative small big happy beautiful goodbetterthe best badworsethe worst littlelessthe least many\muchmorethe most
singularplural 1)a ballballs 2) After letters ss; x; ch; sh; tch; o →es a dressdresses 3) If we have consonant + y→ i + es a familyfamilies 4) If the word ends in -f, -fe → v, ve + es a wolfwolves a wifewives Exceptions singularplural manmen womanwomen mousemice toothteeth footfeet goosegeese oxoxen childchildren sheep deer fish