Moodboard pictures
This image shows the Pegi rating 3 year olds and above. This works well in relation with my target audience as they are all young.
My target audience is aimed for young children. It is mainly for girls as they are most interested in princesses and girly coulours such as pink, however it is not banned for boys.
The theme is fantasy, the background images will be in a adventurous forest or something like the images above. As the levels get harder the background will change the harder it gets the darker is will be, until the challenge is complete and the bright colours appear again.
These are the objects the player will have to get. There are many challenges a few that are main however to achieve the main challenges there will be smaller ones too. Once all of these are completed then the game is over and the player has won. However they must complete the task before the screen reaches black.
This is what the game will look like. There are different types of adventures, passing through a creature, wondering through a building and in a green land. Some are more difficult than others considering where about in the game the player is.
The characters in this game will be princesses that are famous, such as Cinderella, snow white and the character from beauty and the beast etc.. I have chosen these as most people will be familiar with them and most likely favourite them.
These fonts ideas here is an idea of what the game font will look like. I have chosen something that is not usual of formal. Something that is more childlike and colourful. This may encourage young children to read.
Pink will appear during most of the game. When there is writing it is likely that a highlight of pink will show. Although, there are different scenes in the game that vary however pink will appear the most.