NPTF Planning Session 6 April 2009
FY ‘10 NPTF Members 2 Robin Beck, ISC Michael Palladino, ISC (Chair) Mark Aseltine /Amy Phillips, ISC Gary Delson / Geoff Filinuk, ISC Dave Millar/ Jim Choate, ISC Deke Kassabian / Adam Preset, ISC Sue Kennedy / David Valentine, Business Services Manuel Pena, Housing and Conference Services Cathy DiBonaventura/ Rick Haverkamp, Design Helen Anderson, SEAS Brian Doherty, SAS John Irwin, GSE Ira Winston, SEAS, SAS, Design Janet Lind / Mike Herzog, SOM Deirdre Woods / Dan Alig, Wharton Rich Cardona, Annenberg Kayann McDonnell, Law Donna Milici/ John Singler, Nursing Jeff Fahnoe, Dental Grover McKenzie, Library Mary Spada, VPUL Marilyn Spicer, College Houses Joseph Shannon, Div. of Finance Dominic Pasqualino, OAC Marilyn Jost, FRES Michael Weaver, Budget Mgmt. Analysis David Kern, Public Safety
Meeting Schedule 3 April 6 (planning session) May 4 June 1 July 6 August 3 September 21 October 19 November 2 (rate setting) November 16 (if necessary)
Agenda 4 Rates Wireless Planning discussion
Rates 5 Ports Effective March 1, 2009, all 10meg and 100meg port rates will be reduced to $5.25 for FY ‘10 Rate maybe further reduced to $5.00 in FY10 Central Service Fee We originally requested $5,198,999 for FY ‘10, the revised request is $5,090,212, up less than $15k from FY ‘09 2-Factor pilot ($200k) Funded through N&T cost savings through contract renegotiations Wireless FY 10 rates are $34.58/month rather than previously projected $38 AP support - $28.03/Port - $5.25/vLAN - $1.25 MAGPI/Internet2 Bandwidth increased to 200 meg from 105 with only a $4k increase
Wireless Update 6 Evaluated next generation wireless, controller-based architecture with “802.11N” capabilities Piloting in ISC, SAS and CHC Currently testing new features such as failover, increased bandwidth with n, and coverage areas If successful,100% roll-out in ResNet in Summer of 2009 Rest of campus will be upgraded by end of FY 2010 New wireless will offer a/b/g n to be included over time. Good trade in costs and strong negotiations helped to keep under our projected monthly support costs for FY10
Wireless Update 7 Future Plans Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2) conversion Offers better encryption of data Protects against DOS attacks Required for n Would require client reconfiguration Would pilot this in order to make a seamless as possible Explore VoIP and/or Video over wireless Continue to monitor other wireless technologies (WiMax, Fixed Mobile Convergence)
Planning Session 8 What is on your minds? What is important to you? What operational things can we do better? What strategic things should we be focusing on? In these tight fiscal times, is there anything we should stop doing? Any legacy things to drop?