Financial System is a platform where the savers and borrowers come together and this results in the smooth functioning of economic activities.
Financial Intermediation Financial Disintermediation Payment mechanism for exchange of goods and services. Capital Formation Provides liquidity to financial assets Intermediary between lenders and borrowers Cont…………………
Provides detailed information. Lowering cost of transactions and increasing returns. Mechanism for transfer of resources across geographical boundaries.
There are four major components in Indian Financial System
Financial Institutions Financial Markets Financial Instruments/ Assets Financial Services
REGULATORS These are the regulatory authorities who regulate and control all transactions in a financial system It consists of…
The major regulating authorities in Indian Financial System are…… Ministry of Finance (MOF) Reserve Bank of India (R B I) Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IRDA)
Also known as Financial Intermediaries because they act as an intermediary between savers and borrowers.
Banking Institutions Commercial Banks Co operative Banks Regional Rural Banks Non Banking Institutions Development Financial Institutions Investment Institutions Non Banking Financial Companies
A financial agencies that provide medium and long-term financial assistance and engaged in promotion and development of industry, agriculture and other key sectors.