Hadith Session 14 Ramzan Shahid
Hadith The Prophet (SAW) was sitting in the mosque when person came. The Prophet (SAW) moved from his place to make a little room for him, upon which the man said: “Be seated, O Rasulullah, there is enough space for me.” The Prophet (SAW) replied: “It is the claim of a Muslim that when a brother saw him coming, he should move a little from his place and make him sit next to himself.”
Hadith “No one should tell anyone to get up for himself and take his seat. On the contrary, people should make room for those who come and offer them their seats.”
Hadith “Whoever leaves his seat for some reason and then comes back, has a greater claim to it.”
Hadith “It is not allowed for anyone to sit between two persons sitting side by side, without their permission, and thus to separate them from each other.”
Hadith “Whoever feels happy at people standing up out of respect to him, should better make his abode in Hellfire.”
Hadith Hadrat Anas (R) narrates that no one was more dearly loved by the Sahabah that the Prophet (SAW) and yet their practice was that they did not stand up on seeing him for they knew he did not like it.
Hadith Hadrat Jabir narrates: “Our habit was that when anyone of us came to the assembly of the Prophet (SAW), he sat at the edge instead of making his way through the men who were already sitting.”
Hadith The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Whenever a group of people sit in a gathering in which they do not remember Allah the Exalted, nor supplicate to elevate the rank of their Prophet, such a gathering will be a cause of grief to them. If Allah wills, He will punish them, and if He wills He will forgive them.''
Hadith Our beloved Prophet said that there are special angels that roam the Earth, looking for gatherings of dhikr. When they find a group they call one another and encompass the gathering in layers until the first heaven. After the gathering glorifies Allah (swt) the angels return to their lord.
Hadith (cont.) Allah (swt) asks His angels, Where have you been? (Even though He already knows). The angels will inform Allah (swt) of the name of the gathering. Allah (swt) will ask His angels "What were my servants doing?"
Hadith (cont.) The angels will reply: "They were praising You, magnifying Your Name and glorifying You. Allah (swt) will ask them "Have they seen Me?" The angels will answer: "No, By Allah! They have not seen You." Allah (swt) will say: "(They are praising Me without seeing Me,) what if they had seen Me"
Hadith (cont.) The angels would answer: "O Lord, if they had seen You, they would have glorified You more intensely. Allah (swt) will say: "What were they asking for?" the angels will reply "They were asking for Paradise!"
Hadith (cont.) Allah (swt) will say: "Have they seen Paradise?" The angels will say: "By Allah, no, they have not seen it." Allah (swt) will say "What would they do if they had seen it?" The angels will reply: "If they had seen Paradise, they would become more attached and attracted to it, and would seek it with a greater zeal and enthusiasm!"
Hadith (cont.) Allah would ask the angels What were they seeking refuge from? The angels will reply they were seeking refuge from the Hell (fire). Allah would then ask the angels: "Have they seen the Hell (fire)?" The angels will say: "By Allah, no, they have not seen it." Allah will say "What would they do if they had seen it?" The angels will reply: "If they had seen the Hell (fire), they would fear it even more and ask refuge from it with greater intensity.
Hadith (cont.) Then Allah will say to the angels I make you witnesses that I have forgiven them. One of the angels will say: "O my Lord, someone was there who did not belong to that group, but came for some other need." (That person came for some purpose other than dhikr.)
Hadith (cont.) Allah will inform the angels that the benefits of sitting in a gathering of Dhikr are such that anyone who sits with them, for whatever reason will also have his sins forgiven (Bukhari, Muslim).
Hadith "If a group of people sit together remembering Allah, the angels will circle them, mercy will cover them, peace will descend onto them and Allah will remember them among those with Him."(Muslim)
Hadith “Allah has hated for you: (1) Qil and Qal (sinful and useless talk, like backbiting or that one talks too much about others), (2) to ask too many questions (in disputed religious matters, etc.), (3) to waste your wealth (by extravagance with lack of wisdom and thinking).” Sahih al-Bukhari