The Rise of Islam SS.A.3.4.4; SS.D.2.4.6; SS.B.2.4.1
The Arabs Semitic people (like Hebrews & Assyrians) from the Arabian Peninsula Nomads, moving to find water, organized into tribes Tribes ruled by Sheikh, chosen by elders Farmers, sheepherders, traders Helped support trade routs between Mediterranean and China Problems in Egypt and Mesopotamia caused trade to shift from established trade routes to a route through Makkah (Mecca) Communities on this route grew rich
Religion of the Arabs Arabs trace their heritage back to Abraham (same as Hebrews), and his son Ishmael Believe Abraham and Ishmael founded Makkah (Mecca), and built the Kaaba—a place of worship in Makkah Arabs were polytheistic, believing in many gods, but one supreme god named Allah (allah is Arabic for “god”)
A new faith, a new prophet of Allah Muhammad born in Mecca, orphaned at 5 years old Married a rich woman, also his boss Troubled by economic inequalities, he took to meditating in a cave Believed Allah’s angel, Gabriel, spoke the words of God to him Believing that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses & Jesus (Hebrew and Christian scriptures), the revelation made through Muhammad would be the last words of Allah to mankind
A new religion is born… Muhammad believed he was the last prophet, in a long line of prophets Muhammad’s faith became known as Islam “peace through submission to the will of Allah” Muhammad wrote what Allah told him in the Quran (holy book of Islam) Followers of the new faith are called Muslims (those who submit)
Slow spread of Islam: Muhammad began preaching in Mecca After 3 years of preaching, only 30 followers Muslims persecuted in Mecca A.D. 622: Muhammad and Muslims leave Mecca for Yathrib (later renamed Medina, or “city of the prophet”), this journey became known as Hijrah 622 becomes year 1 of the Muslim calendar
Picking up the pace… Islam spreads quickly in Medina, and in the desert among Bedouins (Arabs in the desert) Muslims saw no separation between religious and political authority Muhammad soon became political leader of Medina, and raised an army to protect faithful Muslims Medinan army beats Mecca in battle, others begin to believe, Islam grows
Mecca & Medina… 630 A.D.: Muhammad returns to Mecca with army of 10,000; Mecca surrenders Most inhabitants convert to Islam Muhammad visits the Kaaba, names it a holy place of Islam Muhammad dies in 632, as Islam soars Muslims are required to, if able, make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba at least once in a lifetime
Islamic Teaching… Monotheistic: Allah is only God, and Muhammad is his prophet Hinges on salvation, must submit to live Believe people rejected earlier prophets (Moses, Elijah, Jesus, etc) so Allah made a final revelation through Muhammad After Muhammad’s death, scholars issue shari’ah: a code of law applying the Quran’s teachings to everyday life Dictates family life, busines practices, government and moral conduct Forbidden behavior= gambling, eating pork, drinking
Five Pillars of Islam: Belief: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet” Prayer: Must perform prescribed prayers five times a day Charity: “giving alms” giving part of one’s wealth to the poor Fasting: Refraining from eating or drinking from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage: Must visit Mecca once in life