Call to Order Dr. Alonso would like representatives from 6 different schools to give him advice on a few things. He only has room for 20 people in his office (plus himself). How many representatives from each school should be allowed to go? Grab the ½ Sheet for Dr. Alanso’s Big Meeting School Student Population Reps Frederick Douglass 1,006 City College 1,208 Talent Development 395 Baltimore Freedom Academy 198 W.E.B. DuBois 600 Augusta Fells Savage 593
U.S. District Judge G. Thomas Porteous, of Louisiana, has been videotaped accepting money and other gift from attorneys who appear before him in court. He has also lied to the Senate and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The citizens no longer believe that it is acceptable for him to judge from the bench in court. Which Branch of Gov ’ t needs to be CHECKED? How could the Executive Branch Respond? How could the Legislative Branch Respond?
Justice John Paul Stevens retired from the Supreme Court in In response to the open seat in the court, the President nominated Elena Kagen as the fourth female Justice in the Court ’ s history. Some Republicans in Congress disagree with the appointment and do not believe that Kagen will be a good Supreme Court Justice. How long can Justice Stevens or Kagen serve on the Court? What power is the Executive Branch exercising? How can the Legislative Branch Respond?
The U.S. Senate has passed a law making flag burning illegal and punishable by a $2000 fine and 3 months in prison. The Supreme Court believes that this is an expression of free speech. Similarly, President Obama does not agree with this. How could the Judicial Branch Respond? How could the Executive Branch Respond? How could the Legislative Branch respond to the Executive ’ s action?
And last but not least… PowerWhich Branch Has the Power? PowerWhich Branch Has the Power? Approve Appoint- ments Impeach Officials Create Laws Override Vetoes Serves in Office for Life Declare Laws Unconst- itutional Appoint Judges Veto Bills EXECUTIVE LEGISLATIVE JUDICIAL
The House of Representatives How many members are there in the House of Representatives? How do we decide how many representatives come from each state? How do we find out the population in each state? Proportionally by Population 435 Well… let’s look at what the rulebook says…
The Constitution says… “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states…according to their respective numbers. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years…”
Counting Everybody So, the Constitution says that every ten years we have to count everybody. This process is called the… We just completed a Census in The next will be in 2020 (if the world doesn’t flood in 2012…) The government sends out surveys for everyone to fill out, and then pays people to go and talk to those who don’t fill mail back the forms. Census Get this down in your notes! An official count of everyone in the nation, done every 10 years
Reapportionment Re – something you have to do again (retry, redo) Apportion – to divide proportionally (big states get more, smaller states get fewer) the process of dividing seats in the House of Representatives between the states every ten years based on population information (the census). Get this down in your notes! Reapportionment –
This Pie Chart represents the population of each state The bigger slices get more representatives. When population changes they and the pie slices change shape, those representatives also have to start moving around