ISLAM. RISE OF ISLAM Who are the Arabs? Semitic people like Phoenicians, Jews, Egyptians, Syrians Tradition - son of Abraham through Ishmael Roman times.


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Presentation transcript:


RISE OF ISLAM Who are the Arabs? Semitic people like Phoenicians, Jews, Egyptians, Syrians Tradition - son of Abraham through Ishmael Roman times - many were Bedouin- lived in desert, usually tribal and polytheistic revered Black meteor Ka’ba in Mecca

FOUNDER MUHAMMED Married wealthy widow, managed trade Received a message from Gabriel (angel) with a new revelation to follow Judaism and Christianity spent time in desert contemplating returned to convert others – trouble Hijra: 622 A.D he left and went to Medina. Turning point for Islam - many converts here

FOUNDER MOHAMMED Muhammad returned to Mecca in 630 A.D. Destroyed idols in Kaaba United Arabs under Islam Muhammad died in 632 A.D. but Islam has grown into one of the world’s largest religions.

BELIEFS OF ISLAM Qur’an (Koran)- basis sacred book, ethical guide Five Pillars One God and his name is Allah (Mohammed is his prophet ) Pray 5 x a day facing Mecca Fast during daylight during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca - once in life time Give alms to the poor Laws- no alcohol, pork, dishonest Belief in being hospitable

SPREAD OF ISLAM Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s father-in-law was chosen as his successor (caliph) Ali – Muhammad’s son-in-law (Shiites) Leader must come from Muhammad’s daughter Others felt any good, devoted male from Muhammad’s tribe could be leader (Sunnis) Today 90% of Muslims are Sunni.