Shiran Alush Shai Kerer Dor Altshuler Academic instructor: Prof. Ronen Brafman The Decider Group Decision Making
About the project Main System Functionality System Architecture User Interface Algorithms Technologies Contents
Problem Domain : Group Decision Making Few friends trying to decide where to go out on Friday night. large organizations trying to set up a mass event like student's-day or independence-day rally. public opinion surveys etc. What can you do? Vote by hand raising/election (works only on simple decisions) Argue until one takes the lead and decide for everyone (not fair) Problem Definition
The Decider © is a new tool for supporting group decision making. Users can define new decision problems, vote for possible choices and courses of action, and reach final decisions using state-of-the-art voting algorithms. The Decider © is an on-line Facebook application, the biggest social network known today, harnessing Facebook’s vast member's community and its social managing tools & features. What is “The Decider” ?
Create questionnaires with four types of possible questions (Choose, Rank, Grade, Budget). Cast your vote submit your opinions and Express other preferences – For example: "I prefer a yellow Lamborghini over a yellow BMW, but if I must get a white car then I prefer a BMW over a Lamborghini". Invite others to participate in a questionnaire or join the application. Decide/View results - Reach a decision in a fair way. Main System Requirements
System Architecture The System is an application available as a web service via Facebook at:
User Interface
Create a New Questionnaire General information. Variables and possible values. Possible dependencies. Constraints Advanced settings. Decision algorithms
Cast your Vote/ Express Preferences Four types of questions. Easy-to-understand interface. Express as many different preferences as you wish. Submit your vote.
Calculate Results/ View Statistics Edit settings. View results View statistics. Delete. Advanced options (for advance users).
Invite your Friends Send your friends an invitation to join the application on Facebook. Send your friends a personal invitation to cast their vote on a specific questionnaire.
Decision Making Algorithms Choose one Algorithms Plurality Plurality with run-off (two rounds) Ranking Algorithms Borda count Condorcet Plurality with run-off Sequential run-off Extended Condorcet - Copeland Score Algorithms Maximum sum Minimal regret
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